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From: LIMF, Italy
Posts: 36
Hello everyone, I would like to share with you the progress of my project and ask you for help with two problems I have.
This is the link that shows you what I'm doing:

The first problem is that I quit mobiflight and unplug the panel, when I reconnect it, the software no longer sees the card and the yellow triangle appears at the bottom left, Except for both the board configuration and the pin assignment, but nothing changes, always start in administrator mode, but to see the card again I have to use EEPROM CLEAR on arduino IDE, and redo the configuration

the second problem and I can not see the 3 displays together, it recognizes only 2, using i2c detect I discovered that the 3 displays have 26 3E 3F addresses so they are recognized by arduino.
But when configuring mobiflight, the third person inserting it is not recognized and the writing mobiflight rocks does not appear.
There are 2 from 2004 and one from 1602, inverting the insertion order is always the last one that does not work ...

help ... I thank google translate for the bad translation:lol:
2018-02-24 17:47
From: LIMF, Italy
Posts: 36
another question, on a 2004 display I can put more than 4 values, I would need 6 but there are only 4 boxes to enter the data
2018-02-24 19:51
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi dako74,

I have not set up such a display yet. It would have to go like this:

Define a 2nd display in the config-wizard and use the parameters for the 1st display. Do not set up a new device for this!

Here you define new placeholders and assign them new positions in the display. Please note that previously used characters / lines in the display will not be re-assigned twice.
For example, for the 1st edition, define the lines 1 + 2 and for the 2nd edition the lines 3 + 4. That's how it should be.
Please report if it works.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2018-02-24 23:37
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Guys.

About Stephans System....
Not shure if i understand complete but i think THIS can not work.....
The Config execute the whole Display Information in a complete string.... Means Not used Positions ( Like the empty Line you recommend) will be set Blank !
That work like a 7 Segment Diggit.... A Space means Blank.... And in LCD a Position or full line without Entrys is define as "Blank".
( In a 7 Segment we can decide witch Diggits we like to controll..... But in a LCD we have no choise and controll always the whole Display !)

So i think running a Display with two configs same time is not possible and result in a fast blinking/flickering Display !

About questions from dako....

1. Value Limit.... Sebastian define 4 Placeholder.... You can easy increase this to 5 Placeholders..... Simply use for the LCD Output Config a Offset ( instead of 0000).... Then Standard Variable "$" is used for the Value of the Config Offset..... In that Case NOT use $ for the Placeholders.... Use for example §,%,&,? for the four Placeholder and $ for the Main Value.
SIX Values are not direct posssible..... But Maby you can use a tricky setup here.
If you can tell me WHAT you like to shown on Display and how it should look like.... "Maby" i find a solution to make this possible with only 5 Values finaly.

2. About Starting Problem.... Here i not complete understand.... Do you Restart Mobiflight in that case ?
If you Run Mobilfight and THEN you set a Board on the USB it will not work.... All Boards must be connect and powerd BEFORE you start Mobilfight Software.
That Means... If you connect a Board.... Start Mobilfight and it work fine and now you will remove USB Cable.... Then Connection get lost and a reconnect will not help ! Now you must Close Mobiflight completly and restart it again ( While Board is connected)..... then it normaly should find the board again.
Maby this solve your problem..... If not please tell us more detailed what happens....

3. Number of LCD Displays....
There is no official Note from Sebastian but if i remember right the Limit of LCD Displays on a single Arduino is 2 (two). You can NOT set 3 Displays via Mobiflight on a single Arduino Mega. BUT.... If you use a second MEGA you can set another 2 displays there....
So Number of Displays in system is not limmited.... But there is a limit of 2 Displays on each Board.
(Please correct me if this is wrong)
Good Luck !
2018-02-25 00:34
From: LIMF, Italy
Posts: 36
Some images

2018-02-25 17:22
From: LIMF, Italy
Posts: 36
ok for the third display, no problem I will add a card.

My procedure is this with new mdu arduino board, the link I open as mobiflight administrator, uploads the firmware in the card, insert the various components display encoder and led ..., except for the configuration, program outputs and inputs, except for the schedule.
at this point everything works, then I go out of mobiflight unplug the card and turn off the pc.
when I turn on the pc I connect the card I see the written mobifliight rocks on the display, but when I open mobiflight it does not recognize the card and the yellow triangle appears.
to recognize the card I must first use EEPROM CLEAR on the IDE of arduino and then reprogram everything on mobiflight.

For the fifth data on the display I did not understand how to do with offset, you can give an example thanks.

Ciao a tutti
2018-02-25 17:35
From: LIMF, Italy
Posts: 36
except for the configuration = save the configuration
except for the schedule = save the program

2018-02-25 17:42
From: LIMF, Italy
Posts: 36
some pictures

2018-02-25 23:44
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
About Arduino not recognize.... Please confirm you work with a MEGA !

About example request....

I not get a tutorial at the moment.... But this is self explaned.....

At the moment you use 4 Configs that read offsets... And in a other Config you run the LCD Display... And you define THERE the 4 Placeholders. You use the 4 Configs for this.
For another value ( 5 all together) the LCD Config itself must readout a offset, too.
then you can use the Placeholder "$" for this value.

Do it in same way like in the other configs. ( Define Offset, Size Type etc... Use Compare if needed.... But this time you do it in the SAME Config where you run the LCD at the moment. Like in all Configs the $ Symbol always means the current value of this config.
Good Luck !
2018-02-26 22:10
From: LIMF, Italy
Posts: 36
Confirm Arduino mega
2018-02-27 00:08
From: LIMF, Italy
Posts: 36
In this video, see the connection problemi.
2018-02-27 00:15
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
On the Video i not see the Problematic....

Your "Module" Checkmark is Yellow ( Means the Board is not detected) .
The fact that "Mobiflight Rocks" is shown is not nessesary .... Cause The Arduino will Run itself if Power is on it.... Mobiflifht Rocks is shown also if you not run Mobilfight itself.... Thats a sign that firmware and Arduino Settings are all ok.

What i not can see is your setup itself.... How is the Board detected by Windows ? ( In the Devices Manager) Do you set the Arduino in same USB Port at second attempt ? Do you use a USB Bridge for your Project ( For example 2 Megas are on a Y-Cable to get only ONE USB Cable to the computer ?

Its hard for me to see the problem at the moment.... Maby you can do some testings.... Cable the 2 Megas each in a single USB Port on Computer.... Use the SAME USB Port for the restart situation. Maby you can see a logic where it workes or where the issue occures.

For USB Port Adresses and ComPorts maby Stephan is the better person to help you !
Good Luck !
2018-02-27 13:19
From: LIMF, Italy
Posts: 36
Hello to all,
I use only one mega, with two 4002 displays.
I have verified that it is always connected to the same port (COM10)
These are the peove of today:
arduino reset, firmware upload Mobiflight - ok-
setting of the first display - ok-
saved cofiguration -ok-
closed Mobiflight and disconnected arduino.
connected arduino started Mobiflight, the card is recognized, green check.

inserted second display and 2 LEDs, saved the configuration.
closed Mobiflight and disconnected arduino
connected arduino started Mobiflight, the card is NOT more recognized, yellow triangle!

Arduino always results on COM10 ...
I do not know how to go on. help me please.
2018-03-04 17:39
From: LIMF, Italy
Posts: 36
This is debugging

04/03/2018 19:29:24(512): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:29:24(496): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
04/03/2018 19:29:19(531): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:29:19(499): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
04/03/2018 19:29:14(515): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:29:14(499): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
04/03/2018 19:29:09(513): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:29:09(497): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
04/03/2018 19:29:04(508): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:29:04(493): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
04/03/2018 19:28:59(503): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:28:59(488): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
04/03/2018 19:28:54(516): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:28:54(501): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
04/03/2018 19:28:49(517): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:28:49(501): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
04/03/2018 19:28:44(514): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:28:44(499): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
04/03/2018 19:28:39(510): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:28:39(494): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
04/03/2018 19:28:34(817): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:28:34(802): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
04/03/2018 19:28:29(518): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:28:29(502): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
04/03/2018 19:28:24(562): ExecutionManager.AutoConnectStart:Started auto connect timer
04/03/2018 19:28:24(562): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:28:24(531): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
04/03/2018 19:28:24(531): ExecutionManager.AutoConnectStart:Started auto connect timer
04/03/2018 19:28:24(515): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:28:24(515): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
04/03/2018 19:28:24(499): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
04/03/2018 19:28:24(476): No updates necessary. Your version:, Latest version: 7.4.0
04/03/2018 19:28:24(249): Checking for updates
04/03/2018 19:28:24(218): MobiflightModule.disconnect: Disconnected at COM10
04/03/2018 19:28:24(140): MobiFlightModule.GetInfo: 1: 2:3.4.Gear N Extended:3.5.Gear L Extended:3.6.Gear R Extended:3.33.Master caution LED:3.8.Freno parcheggio LED:, ,,
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): MobiflightModule.connect: Connected to Default at COM10 of Type Arduino Mega 2560 (DTR=>True)
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_8087&PID_0A2A
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Found potentially compatible module Arduino Uno by VID/PID: VID_2341&PID_0043@COM8
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Found potentially compatible module Arduino Uno by VID/PID: VID_2341&PID_0043@COM7
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Found potentially compatible module Arduino Uno by VID/PID: VID_2341&PID_0043@COM6
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_2341&PID_0043
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Found potentially compatible module: VID_2341&PID_0042@COM9
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Found potentially compatible module: VID_2341&PID_0042@COM10
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_2341&PID_0042
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_2109&PID_2813
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_1DD2&PID_22A0
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_1DD2&PID_1150
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_1532&PID_0208&MI_02
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_1532&PID_0208&MI_01
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_1532&PID_0208&MI_00
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_1532&PID_0208
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_1058&PID_25E1
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_0D8C&PID_0012&MI_03
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Incompatible module skipped: USB Audio Device - VID/PID: VID_0D8C&PID_0012&MI_00
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_0D8C&PID_0012&MI_00
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_0D8C&PID_0012
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_0C45&PID_760B&MI_01
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_0C45&PID_760B&MI_00
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_0C45&PID_760B
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_09F3&PID_0064
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_0781&PID_556C
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_06A3&PID_A2AE&MI_01
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_06A3&PID_A2AE&MI_00
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_06A3&PID_A2AE
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_06A3&PID_712C
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_06A3&PID_0D05
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_06A3&PID_0BAC
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_06A3&PID_0763
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_05E3&PID_0610
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Incompatible module skipped: Galaxy S8 - VID/PID: VID_04E8&PID_6860&MS_COMP_MTP&SAMSUNG_Android
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_04E8&PID_6860&MS_COMP_MTP&SAMSUNG_Android
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Incompatible module skipped: SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem - VID/PID: VID_04E8&PID_6860&Modem
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_04E8&PID_6860&Modem
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_04E8&PID_6860
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_02
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_00
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_046D&PID_C52B
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_044F&PID_B108
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_03EB&PID_2FEF
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_0000&PID_000B
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_0000&PID_0004
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: VID_0000&PID_0002
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): Checking for compatible module: ROOT_HUB30
04/03/2018 19:28:20(904): ^(VID_1B4F&PID_9206|VID_2341&PID_8036|VID_2341&PID_0042|VID_2341&PID_0010|VID_8087&PID_0024|VID_1A86&PID_7523|VID_2A03&PID_0042|VID_0403&PID_6001|VID_2341&PID_0043|VID_2A03&PID_0043)
04/03/2018 19:28:20(810): MainForm() : Logger initialized Debug
2018-03-04 19:32
From: LIMF, Italy
Posts: 36
I understood where the problem is!
if I insert only one LCD display 2004 with the rest of the components, LEDs, buttons, encoder ... everything is fine and recognizes the card.

But if I add the second 2004 display no longer recognizes the card, the yellow triangle appears, and nothing works anymore.

I should use three displays, 2 2004 and 1 1602, I thought I could use two cards, but now I think I need to use 3 ...
So only one display for each card
What do you think about it?
2018-03-05 00:07
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