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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

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Posts: 47
Hello, I wanted to know if there is incompatibility between win 7 and win 10 to use mobyflight on p3d v3.
In fact on the old pc I had mobyflight for fsx pmdg 737 boing and sw overhead ,it was all ok ,in the new pc i have p3d v3 on win10.
I used the same programming files.i 'm sorry beacause the overhead do not work very well .
I had download the last driver for my 6 chinese Arduino mega.
For this to work I must to reprogram everything again or can i reuse the old files?

Thank's for your reply.

Best regards

2018-02-22 10:13
Posts: 318
I`m using Mobiflight with WIN10 64bit and P3Dv4. All works well without issues.
Do you have the correct FSUIPC version. You need a other Version then for FSX.
2018-02-22 14:06
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Stefano uses P3DV3. Therefore he need FSUIPC V4.9xx. FSUIPC V5 is only for P3D V4.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2018-02-22 19:07
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Normaly Mobiflight should work on Win10, too.
Your problems can have lots of reasons !

Please check if you have all Systems up to date.... After a complete new installation lots of programms must be updated !
If you just install the PMDG in P3D then its pretty shure not updated to newest Servicepack.
Also FSUIPC is not in current version after a new installation ( That include most time a verry old version of it)

Check at first...
FSUIPC, PMDG and P3D is UptoDate and you use the correct versions for eatch other ( Right FSUIPC that is build vor P3Dv3 ... Or Correct PMDG Version for P3d )

If that is not solve your problem please tryout and check you run all your Systems as Administrator.... Or maby in compatibiltiy Mode ( Maby Win7)
Good Luck !
2018-02-22 19:17
Posts: 47
Hi friends , thank's a lot for your reply i'll check your solution but i thing that my version of pmdg is "d" my p3d is v3 upload and mobyflight Sw is the last.
i' ll tell you !


2018-02-22 22:03