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Posts: 24
Hi guys,

What is the correct way to use the codes in the link below for the FSlabs 320 in Mobiflight?

I guess use EVENT ID? but there I have to know the parameter aswell I think.

2018-01-12 10:09
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

I not work with it and i not have read about that until now.
It looks like event Id but i can not confirm it.

Can you give me a link for the full document you just screenshot ?
Good Luck !
2018-01-13 00:57
Posts: 24
Hi Pizman,

Thanks for your reply! the file in in a forum, don't know if you can open it direct from here.

Let me know if it is working for you. I think only when you logged in there at the FSlabs forum.

Regards Jeffrey
2018-01-15 12:48
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
No Sorry.... Thats a link for members only...


In the FSL Manual ( or on there Webside) there must be information about that !

A) Is FSL Airbus basicly designed for homecockpits? Does it allow acces to the data or does it support it external ??
Some AddOns dont have this feature and are basicly not build to make a homecockpit.... Others are specialy designed for that like FMGS.

B) If there is a Data Comunication.... On hwat System is it based ??ß FSUIPC ? SIOC? LVAR? and so on.

Please find out that.... Tell it to us.... THEN we can help you ( Or maby we must tell you that is not possible with Mobiflight) But then you know the facts !
Good Luck !
2018-01-15 23:16
From: between EDDL and EDDK, Germany
Posts: 10
hopefully it is okay if I open up this thread again.

In this attached excel spreadsheet the gave a advice:
The code is the parameter that should be sent to the FS control 66587 (Rotor Brake) to activate a function.
Each button click seems to generate two actions, one when you press the mouse button on it, and another when you release the mouse button. In some cases both seem to be needed for the function to work properly, other times only the press seems to be needed. If both are included in this spreadsheet, they are separated by a slash in the Code column.

For each "function" (e.g.: Center Panel: A/SKID & NW/STRG) they define the action (toggle, incr, decr, push, etc) and give a "Code Dn" and "Code Up".

As I'm a absolute beginner with this mobiflight thing (literally started today) I'm very curious if it would work wih the FSLabs Airbuses.

2019-04-24 11:31
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Floh

Welcome !
Thanks for your reply.

As i said often i not use Airbus.... So i can´t test it cause i not own it :P

What you say sounds like EventID (simmular to PMDG)
Problem is.... I can not see your spreadsheet without a Link.

If you can Link it or you Quote for example a part of it here i can tell you if these are Event ID.
(Alternate is to send me the file via Mail.... )

Good Luck !
2019-04-24 13:09
From: between EDDL and EDDK, Germany
Posts: 10
I've send a Email to you...

best regards
2019-04-24 13:24
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Email recived.

Ok. that sounds a bit "confusing" :scared:

I think you ( or a other FSL user) must do a little test to confirm that.


The code is the parameter that should be sent to the FS control 66587 (Rotor Brake) to activate a function.

Thats not logical.... But it is written there... So it must make sense.

Do the follow....

Make a INPUT . If you have a Mega with a simple Button then you can do this via Mobiflight. If you have a Reg. Version of FSUIPC you can test this also with a ordinary Joystick via FSUIPC.

Test Situation 1:

EFIS (Cpt) WPT Push 71047 71049

So make a Config that send ON PRESS EventID 66587 with Parameter 71047 ....... On Release EventID 66587 with Parameter 71049

Test Situation 2
Config On Press EventID 71047 Parameter 0 .... On Release EventID 71049 Parameter 0

Test Situation 3
Same like Test 2 but now with Parameter 1 instead of 0


Maby FSL use here a internal Bypass.... So the normaly not used Event for Rotor Brake ( A Special Offset for a Helicopter) get used by FS Labs as a "Transmitter" and the Parameter define the Function.... So FSL scan this event and will do something whatever parameter is used in the Input. ( a Easy system to implement a AddOn to FSUIPC without ask Pete Dowson for a hudge range of Offests and EventIds.

Please test this. If you "understand" how it workes tell us. Pretty sure verry usefull for other Users.
PS. Falls du darüber in Deutsch sprechen willst.... schreib ne Mail. Können auch telefondieren falls nötig !
Good Luck !
2019-04-24 19:44
From: between EDDL and EDDK, Germany
Posts: 10
what should I say.:lol: :w00t: It works exactly like you described in Test Situation 1. This afternoon I already checked Test Situation 2 and 3 by myself without any effect.

I defined on press Event ID 66587 and then the relevant codedn parameter (I tested several and all worked). But I also tested it without any release event and I didn't realize any negative effect...

Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to build my own little input panel acc. my personal wishes.


PS: It's ok for me to write in english. I'm also a ground engineer in aviation ;-)
2019-04-24 20:46
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Nice to hear. :thumbup:

Opinion 1 was just the system, that was explaned in your file.
Never see this before ( so i ask you to do the other tests, that sounds more logical to me at first) ..... But summary THIS is a wonderfull System. Nice work from FS Labs !

About the Releases.... Here you simply must test. Maby some Buttons like the AP Knobs that can be Pressed/Pulled by latching are problematic and need a Release.

By the way.... Do you have a registred FSUIPC ? If yes you can Enable the Logging Tool.... Show it on a second Screen or by window mode and observe/log the Events.
I´m not sure without testing, but i think you can "see" the Events maby.... If yes this would be hlpfull to find out the missing Parameters..... Cause your list looks not complete !
Good Luck !
2019-04-24 23:09
From: between EDDL and EDDK, Germany
Posts: 10
yes I own the registered FSUIPC. So I will try to find out more details about this logging or better to say try it. And with this maybe "we" can create a list which we can post her to the public or "implement" it in the Mobiflight Connector config wizard in the future for a easier use.

I will report.
2019-04-25 11:31