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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.
The forum is still providing a lot of good content, hence we keep this information accessible.
1: But when it comes to using other Offsets (I found a list at projectmagenta) it won't work.
2: I understand the basic philosophy of having a datastream, where you choose a specific position (Offset) where you can, for example, switch a bit from 0 to 1.
What it don't get is the option "mask value with". What is this for?
3: I also have a question regarding XPUIPC that I hope I can ask here.
I found a config file where the offsets are mapped to datarefs.
Here I found datarefs named uint16 for example. Does the 16 describe the datasize?
3122 1 Radio audio switches. Read/write bit settings as follows:
2^7 COM1 transmit
2^6 COM2 transmit
2^5 COM receive both
2^4 NAV1 sound
2^3 NAV2 sound
2^2 Marker sound
2^1 DME sound
2^0 ADF1 sound
If you sign a message with Gruß, Maik, then you should talk in German. So you left you Message in the German Part of Mobiflight an the german language should be ok.
Ich Depp habe jetzt auch meinen Fehler mit dem Starter Switch gefunden.
Ich dachte die einzelnen Zustände wären Bit-basiert (2^0 bis 2^4).
Statt dessen sind das absolute Werte. also Maske auf FFFF und Wert auf 0 bis 4.
0892 2 Engine 1 Starter switch position (Magnetos), Jet/turbojet: 0=Off, 1=Start, 2=Gen/Alt Prop: 0=Off, 1=right, 2=Left, 3=Both, 4=Start