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Posts: 45
Could the offset 0x0310 (Timer, double float, elapsed seconds including fractions, adjusted each 'tick' - i.e. 1/18th sec) be used to generate events relative to time? For example, make a led blink. Has anyone tried it?
2018-02-02 17:49
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Basicly Yes.... But i think thats a project, mobiflight is not concepted for. (Whatever it should be possible in a difficult way)


I remeber to a old topic ( sorry i can´t find it with forum search) we talk about this.... Consensus was if i remember right, that the most benefit solution is to make those things in a LUA script.... Whatever in the script you can use WAIT Commands in Milliseconds, too. ( So using of the internal FSX Clock is not needed)

A Interesting idea in the past was to make some Custom Offets with a Lua Script ( But i think nobody have done that or nobody share it if he solved it)
Theory was....
We make a script that write some Offsets (for example 66C0 and the follow) to 0/1 in a special sequence....
For Exampe Offset 66C0 change 0-1-0-1 and so on in a sequence of 1,0 seconds..... Offset 66C1 Change sequence every 0,75 seconds .... Offset 66C2 in 0,5 Seconds and so on.

Then we all only need to download and implement that script in FSUIPC and then this Offsets work all the time.
If we need a Blinking LED we can Use THAT Offsets for Precondition or direct in the configs.

A much better solution is maby to rework the Offsets itself.

For example on ofset XXXX is a Output that is 1 for ON and 0 for OFF..... But our LED should Blink if it´s ON.....
Here we can make a Lua script that read XXXX but support a new Offset YYYY with compared data.
Script must say.... IF Value of XXXX = 0 THEN YYYY is Zero, too.
But IF XXXX=1 Then YYYY =1 ... WAIT 0,5 Sec .... YYYY=0...Wait 0,5 Sec.... YYYY=1.... and so on in a endless Loop.
Summary..... In Mobiflight we now readout not the original Offset... We use the new created Offset by the script.... and That simply change status all 0,5 seconds and LED blinks !

If you like to try with the Time Offset:

Figure out the Logic of Offset..... Find a Expression Math factor to get this in a 1/0 System in a sequence you like ( for example 0,5 sec) . Maby "Modulo" % is the key !

Please share experince !
Good Luck !
2018-02-02 23:57