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Posts: 2

I am Italian and I do not know English. So a Google translator hoping that you understand the same.

I searched the forum but I did not find this topic so I ask this question. I built my MCP for the PMDG boeing 737.
The leds all work very well but I have a big problem with levers and buttons. When I move a lever or press a button, I have a lot of delay in moving on the simulator.

Did any of you have the same problem?
Use mega arduino.
2017-12-27 09:32
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

We need a bit more information.
1. What Platform (FSX/P3d v??? )

2. Is Delay only in PMDG or in Standard Aircraft, too ?
To get same test situation..... Use Standard Aircraft but not controll via FSUIPC Offset.... Please use EVENT ID, too. ( a List of EventID for standard Aircraft is include in MF Preset !

Try to change the FSUIPC Polling ( Mobiflight Setting menu)
Try enable LOGGING/DEBUG Mode ( or disable if its still on at the moment)

Please awnser questions and report experience of the recommend technics !
Good Luck !
2017-12-27 20:49
Posts: 2
The simulator used is P3D V3. I tried to set the lever as parking brake and it works without problem. So the problem seems to be related only to the PMDG
2017-12-28 13:42
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Basicly PMDG is no difference..... If you checkout the testing of Standard Aircraft with a EVENT ID (Verry important) and problem not exist then i only can think its a System/CPU/GPU problem....
The only difference between PMDG and Standard Aircraft is, that PMDG need much more RAM and Processor Power.... So Delays can exist on poor systems !

If your statement was wrong and problem is on Standard Aircraft , too while using EVENTId instead of FSUIPC Offset then there are other reasons....

EventID need much more steps to send a comand as FSUIPC Offset.... But PMDG MUST use EventID....

Last Note... If you like you can try out a trick that some Users (me too) need ..... Activate the "LOGGING MODE" in settings tab and use "DEBUG" Type....
That can be helpfull to solve problems with missing /delayed Inputs.
Good Luck !
2017-12-28 15:46