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Posts: 12
I have been using arduino for a couple of years and although I have not really started building my cockpit, I have coded the majority of my inputs & outputs. I have now discovered Mobiflight and thought I would check it out. I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I cannot get it to work at all. I have meticulously followed the parking brake tutorial, I have even read about the need for an output before the input would work. I have also played with 7 segment display but all I can get to work is an led lit very dimly.
Is there anything simple that I could be missing?
Many thanks
2017-06-29 01:02
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Mark
Welcome to Mobiflight !

First the workflow " Using a Output to make an input working" was just in case of a Bug in a temporary older version.
Normaly THIS was not needed bofore or after this version..... So today it works already without a Output !

To your Question......

it is verry difficult to help you without more information.... You see Mobiflight works normaly fine.
Basicly the ParkingBrake Tutorial should work in 99% of situations.

Maby the follow will help....

1. Use a MEGA instead of a UNO..... Uno Support is experimental and not work 100%

2. After Flashing Updating Firmware or after setting new devices on Board i will recommend to reset the Board and restart Mobiflight ( some Users report for example that a new Output LED Device not work direct.... The Board need to be reset so the Pin can support the 5v Power for the LED. )

3. Get shure you use correct System. FSX and P3D work fine.... for XP you need a additional PlugIn.....
4. Get Shure you have FSUIPC up to date ( If you use FSX or P3D )

5. Always test with Standard Planes.... AddOns like PMDG not work with presets or standard List. Here you need advanced eperience.

I hope this solve your Problem..... If Not please report more detailed WHAT is the Problem.... And Tell us shortly what exact you have do to make for example a LED Config.
Good Luck !
2017-06-29 02:39
Posts: 12
Thank you for the reply. Following your suggestions I did get the button and led working. I have now tried the 7 segment display and it is working BUT my Comm 1 freq should read 122.17 instead it reads 022.17. replacing the 1 for a 0. I have had a play an tried different things but I cannot get it to change.
Any suggestions.
Thanks again
2017-06-30 00:12
Posts: 37
Hello Marc

In the tranform area put : $+10000. It should works.

Good luck

2017-06-30 01:35
Posts: 12
Thanks Kamal, That worked.
This is a brilliant piece of software but for some reason I am struggling with to get it to work properly. I have set up my comm 1 active and it works. I have now wired up a second max7219 display. Regarding the settings I have pretty much followed this guys settings other than the compare tab.
Although I get a second frequency it is not what is displayed on the aircraft's comm 1 standby. My active frequency is fine but my standby for example instead of reading 128.30 it read 121.28.
Thanks again
2017-06-30 10:45
Posts: 37
Hello Marc

This guy use several max7219 didplays in daisy chain. If you did the correct wiring and configuration it should works correctly.
Otherwise try to configure your displays separatly in 2 different outputs.

2017-06-30 12:07
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi Marc,

you should compare the preset and set it to COM 1 standby-Frequency (0x311A). Then press the "use"-Button and insert in the transform-area: $+10000. Load these settings to the MEGA-Board. After finishing the copy, reset the MEGA once manually and it should work correct.

Please report your result here.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2017-06-30 12:09
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
The disy-chain will only work properly if you connect every MAX-Board separatley to 5V. Change the setup of the display and set it to the number of devices (Boards) you use in the chain and declare every single device which number it has in the chain.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2017-06-30 12:13
Posts: 12
Hi guys. Really appreciate the quick responses. Just to confirm each display has its own 5v. I have added 1 7 segment device to the board stating the pins and stating that there are 2 modules connected.
Could you confirm how you compare the preset? Is that under the compare tab.
Thanks again
2017-06-30 12:52
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Mark.

I don´t understand completly.....

You can set 4x Max7219 Modules on the Board ( 4x3 Pins) ..... AND You can daisy chain a row of 1-8 Max Displays. that Means maximum you can use 4 "chanels" on the Board and every chanel with up to 8 Modules ( 4*8 = 32)

If you use MORE then 1 Max Modul on a 3 Pin conection you have to define in the settings Tab that there are more then 1.... Set the number of Modules in the row in the "NUM" field.
So if you set your both modules seperate to the board... every modul with own 3 wires then you have to make TWO Devices in the Settings Tab.... both with NUM=1 .
If you Daisy Chain them you have to make only ONE Entry in the Settings Tab but then with NUM=2 to tell Mobiflight there are more Modules on this Pins.

Your problem with the wrong Frequency is strange.... Please Check you use for the second Display the correct Preset.... If you like COM1 Standby get shure you use Com1 Standby for this and not maby NAV or something else.
Additional NOTE: AddOns sometimes use there own frequencys that NOT can be Readout with Mobiflight.... For Example Airbus FMGS Jeehell NOT support the StandBy Frequency direct. It use a different frequence that NOT is simmular to the Standby you can Readout with the Presets !

Finaly to better understanding.....
This is the description for the COM Frequence in the FSUIPC Offset Manual.....


Offset :034E Size: 2 Byte ...... COM1 frequency, 4 digits in BCD format. A frequency of 123.45 is represented by 0x2345. The leading 1 is assumed.

Here you see the 1xx.xx is not include..... A Frequence of 123,45 is a value of 2345 in the Output. If you use Transform "$+10000" You simply make 12345 instead of 2345.
Thats how it work.

Finaly to "compare" the Preset.... Maby this was descripted a bit confussed.
The Presets are just like "exmaples" for some important features. Basicly you can create everything without the Presets, too..... This is just a tool that insert the Data in the fields for you.
Stephan means with "Comapre the Preset" simply you should change the settings in The Preset file.... For Com1 Standby the hole setting is same like COM1 Main Frequence.... You only need to use another Offset and set another Display.... But everything else ( Transform, Size Type, Displaysetting) is the same !
Advanced Users reduce ther workflow if they need 2 Configs thats nearly the same..... Simply Copy a Config and only change the 1 line thats different.... So you not have to fill the complete Config File again.
Good Luck !
2017-06-30 15:33