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From: Brazil
Posts: 17
Hello everybody!

I´m tottaly new on Arduino and Mobiflight. :-/

Today I have one Arduino Uno with IDE 1.8.2 and one 7 segments display (4-bit LED Digital Tube Module) and just trying to see if its possible to make a basic test with it. So, when I load de MF Connector and try to update the Arduino IDE (located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino) a message is displayed: "there was an error on uploading the firmware!"

One thing: the "Configured modules" show an Arduino icon with "Unknown" inscription.

MF debug error:

03/06/2017 16:26:16(204): Something went wrong when flashing with command
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude" -C"C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf" -patmega2560 -cwiring -P\\.\COM6 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:"C:\Users\Luiz Claudio\Desktop\Nova pasta\firmware\mobiflight_mega_1_7_3.hex":i
03/06/2017 16:25:45(249): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
03/06/2017 16:25:45(231): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
03/06/2017 16:25:44(160): Set Debug in ComboBox: logLevelComboBox
03/06/2017 16:25:40(248): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
03/06/2017 16:25:40(231): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
03/06/2017 16:25:35(250): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
03/06/2017 16:25:35(232): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
03/06/2017 16:25:30(250): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
03/06/2017 16:25:30(233): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
03/06/2017 16:25:25(250): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
03/06/2017 16:25:25(233): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
03/06/2017 16:25:20(249): MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
03/06/2017 16:25:20(232): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
03/06/2017 16:25:18(566): Serialized Arcaze Extension Module Settings: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ArrayOfArcazeModuleSettings xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" />

What could be wrong? :confused:
[Last edited by CmtePena, 2017-06-03 21:25]
Cmte. Pena
Keep Flying!
2017-06-03 21:19
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Fist your Problem occures of your Board.... It´s a UNO !
Look here please....

In short words.... Some UNO Boards use the same Chip like the MEGA Boards... Cause 90%+ of Users have a MEGA instead of UNO we decide to set the AUTO Firmware Uploader to detect ALL CH340 Chips like MEGAS.
So the less UNO Users here with this chip ( I think you too) need to uplade the Firmware manualy with the Xloader tool. My appology for that !

Additional note : The UNO workes not 100% perfect with Mobiflight. We try UNO Support like a BETA test. Maby Sebastian can solve the issues in the future but at the moment theres no aktive progress there. Note that the UNO problmes not be solved in the near future. I high recommend to use a MEGA instead of UNO .

To the Display.... You say "and one 7 segments display (4-bit LED Digital Tube Module)" .
I don´t know what you mean directly....... NOTE: Only the MAX7219 Display Driver are supported in Mobiflight. Get shure your Display include that chipset.
Good Luck !
2017-06-04 00:12
From: Brazil
Posts: 17

Thank you for the fast reply! I´ll buy a Mega board and the proper 7 seg display.

I hope Mobiflight could provide us other complete scripts, cause it will help so much people like me that not have a good experience in codes.
Cmte. Pena
Keep Flying!
2017-06-04 15:49
From: Brazil
Posts: 17

I have try to update the firmaware with Xloader, but nothing changes. :(

1. First connected Arduino Uno;
2. Open Xloader, choose "mobiflight_uno_1_7_3.hex" file at "...\MFConnecor\firmware", Device: Uno(ATmega328), the correct COM port and Xloader gives me the msg "21574 bytes uploaded" (seems to me the upload was sucesfull);
3. Open MFConnector and see the "Configured modules" window to show "Unknown" device.

What could to be wrong? :confused:

Like I mencioned, I´ll buy Mega, but I saw some pleople trying Uno with some success.
Cmte. Pena
Keep Flying!
2017-06-04 21:05
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

I hope Mobiflight could provide us other complete scripts, cause it will help so much people like me that not have a good experience in codes.

Mobiflight not provide a script.... Mobiflight do all the scripting work for you !
You just select the stuff you need in the Grafic UI and Mobiflight "write" the needed code automaticly to the Board or manage the communication.



I have try to update the firmaware with Xloader, but nothing changes. :(
What could to be wrong? :confused:

Good Question.
Myself i only use Megas at the moment but i still order a UNO to can make better support to you guys in the future. So i can´t test this at the moment ( Chineese Friends need 4 Weeks to deliver).

Basic hints ( i just heard from other users )
AFTER Firmware Update the Board need to be Reset.... Get it off the USB Port and set it some seconds later again. Then start Mobiflight.
MABY you have to disable the "Auto Firmware Upload" function in the Mobiflight Settings, too so Mobi NOT try to write the wrong MEGA Firmware again.
Normaly the Restart should help !
Please Note: Same is for Megas, too.... ALWAYS after a firmware Update.... Reset the Board and Restart Mobiflight to prevent this problems !

Finaly... You will get much better experience when you use the Mega.... And Then you got 30 Pins more, too.
Good Luck !
2017-06-05 00:51
From: Brazil
Posts: 17

Mobiflight not provide a script.... Mobiflight do all the scripting work for you !
You just select the stuff you need in the Grafic UI and Mobiflight "write" the needed code automaticly to the Board or manage the communication.

Yes. I express myself wrong. :P
Mobiflight seems to me a truly revolution in building parts to home cockpits. I hope it can continue freeware and provide other features, like overhead for example.

Thanks for the hints!


Finaly... You will get much better experience when you use the Mega.... And Then you got 30 Pins more, too.

Yeah. I´m buying a Mega. :thumbup:

Thanks again, my friend, and congratulations for the fast replys.
Cmte. Pena
Keep Flying!
2017-06-05 13:44
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Yes. I express myself wrong. :P
Mobiflight seems to me a truly revolution in building parts to home cockpits. I hope it can continue freeware and provide other features, like overhead for example.

No Prob.... We all speak different languages and google translator is not a perfect tool :cry: So sometimes misunderstandings happens !

Finaly i hope you not get confused about the "Presets" . This are only some examples how Mobiflight work. At beginning Sebastian think about a full list, but this is a giant work and additional every user need a individual result.... so we not pushing this forward till now.

So please note..... With Mobiflight ALL Elements of Standard Aircrafts can be controlled already with current version. ( Overhead, too for example )
You simply need to create the config for this youreself ( cause there are no Presets existing) BUT it still work perfect !

Same for the Master AddOn Aircrafts ( PMDG, Jeehell Prosim ) The work 100%, too ! .....
Only some exotic products work a little different and need some tricky technics to get comapitble with Mobiflight !
Good Luck !
2017-06-05 16:00
From: Brazil
Posts: 17

No Prob.... We all speak different languages and google translator is not a perfect tool :cry: So sometimes misunderstandings happens !

I didin't use Google... was my poor English. :lol: :P


Same for the Master AddOn Aircrafts ( PMDG, Jeehell Prosim ) The work 100%, too ! .....

Huuummm... PMDG? Great!!! I fly with it. I love 737's Boeing family!

Thank you so much again, friend, and best regards from Brazil!

I think we'll talk so much in few months. :D
Cmte. Pena
Keep Flying!
2017-06-05 16:24
From: Brazil
Posts: 17

Basic hints ( i just heard from other users )
AFTER Firmware Update the Board need to be Reset.... Get it off the USB Port and set it some seconds later again. Then start Mobiflight.
MABY you have to disable the "Auto Firmware Upload" function in the Mobiflight Settings, too so Mobi NOT try to write the wrong MEGA Firmware again.
Normaly the Restart should help !
Please Note: Same is for Megas, too.... ALWAYS after a firmware Update.... Reset the Board and Restart Mobiflight to prevent this problems !

Pizman, unfortunaly your tips not solved the problem. At the "MobiFlight Modules" window I have, at the box "Information" Firmware n/a, Port Com6, Serial n/a and Type Arduino Mega 2560. Arduino Mega 2560??? Very stranger, don't you think? :( :( :(

I´m getting tired of this Uno. :( :( :(

I know some guys are using the Uno and this is what makes me insistent, sorry! :cry:
Cmte. Pena
Keep Flying!
2017-06-06 03:08
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
My apology for that.

I think the Problem is the Kind of UNO..... There are some Revisions in the Past... And there are different Chipsets for Arduiono UNO.

It look like some of the UNO work better then the others ( for example the sort with Ch340 Chips get the Updload Bug).

Maby the guys who report a working UNO System got another kind of UNO like you.

So please understand.... Sebastian test the code with his own UNO and it workes for him. In A Freeware Project it´s not possible to buy 30 different Boards and test it on every existing single device . Additional he don´t know that time there are differences between the boards.

Finaly i would say... Lets talk again when your MEGA is arrived. I´m shure your problems are gone then. I looking forward to your first sucess posting and your first working switches :thumbup: If you already get problems on the first Steps just open a Topic. i Try to help you then, too.

Muitos cumprimentos para o Brasil
Good Luck !
2017-06-06 15:02
From: Brazil
Posts: 17

I think the Problem is the Kind of UNO..... There are some Revisions in the Past... And there are different Chipsets for Arduiono UNO.
It look like some of the UNO work better then the others ( for example the sort with Ch340 Chips get the Updload Bug).

Huummm... really. My Uno is not a italian building and it has the Ch340 chipset. :cry:

Maybe this is the problem.

So, I thank you again and will try see some video or instructions about this problem with firmware.

Tell me one more thing pizman: is there anything I have to check in a Mega2560, like chipset or other thing, to buy the correct Mega? (here in Brazil is a little difficult to find the original Arduino boards)


Muitos cumprimentos para o Brasil

Are you german? In case positive "Meine herzliche Umarmung an alle Deutschen" (now translated by Google :P ) or "My warmest regards to all the Germans."

Bye, dear friend. :thumbup:
[Last edited by CmtePena, 2017-06-07 18:49]
Cmte. Pena
Keep Flying!
2017-06-07 02:19