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Posts: 5
On the pmdg 777 vertical speed and ias are off in lnav and vnav mode. When you take the value of the vertical speed in manual, it remains displayed on the display. Normally the display goes out. Is there a solution to this problem? In the offset of pmdg there is MCP-vertspeedblank 6550 1 byte boolean and MCP-iasblan 6540 1 byte boolean. Can we use it and how. Thank you. Best regards
2017-05-21 12:02
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867

it is quite normal that V/S and IAS are off in LNAV/VNAV-Mode. So ist is not possible to operate this paramter manually - would make no sense. Bring to your mind what would happen if you operate manually in this automatical modes.
The offsets operates "invisible" in their normal way but you can not affect them. Switching VNAV OFF you can adjust IAS and with LNAV OFF you can adjust V/S after activating ALT HLD. That is the sense of automatic control systems.
So your problem is not a problem, it's an intension.

If you want to display IAS and V/S try it in the manually modes and it will work.
0x6550 and 0x6540 are only the annunicater offsets for the particular modes. They indicate mode is ON or mode is OFF. To affect these modes you need 2 switches (EVENT ID 70029 for LNAV and 70018 for VNAV) to control this modes external.
Please note: Offsets are as a rule to display processes of FSX and EVENTIDs are capabilities to force the FSX to do a special action. So you need two lists. One for the offsets, you will find it in the FSUIPC-Document-Folder and the EVENTID-List that you can download here:
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2017-05-21 12:58
Posts: 5
I think I have expressed myself badly. An example the display vs is off, I want to go down 1000 feet I press sue vs / fpa the display goes on, my plane goes down and when it arrives at the selected level the display goes off but on my MCP it Does not turn off and remains selected at the selected vs. Hope everyone understands !! Thank you for your answers.
2017-05-21 14:16
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Stephan not understand your internal question.... We all speak different languages.... So sometimes Google Translator sucks a bit.
By the way the Data from Stephan are for the PMDG 737 ..... You need the Triple 7 so the EventID and Offsets are different at all !

To the Problem:

I not do this for PMDG 777 myself but i´m pretty shure its the same like with 737 ( only with other Offsets and Id´s and maby some little different logics)

The Offsets you tell us are the BLANK Offsets for the IAS and VS Displays. These are Boolean... So ZERO for Display is NOT Blank and 1 for Displayis Blank at the moment,

Problem here is simple..... The Basic Offset you readout for the Display Data will support his data all the time..... Whatever the Display is Blank in Simulator... the Offset still got Data.

So to fix this you need maby a compare ( VS Display) or a Second Config for the IAS Display. Then you work with PRECONDITIONS !

In 737 the IAS and VS Display is different ..... The IAS show its data all the time whatever it should be blank or not..... The VS Display works different... If it should be blank then it shows a value of -1696 instead of the real VS Rate. ( Not shure if this is the same in 777. You need to test out)

If it´s simular with 737 you can use for VS Display a simple compare IF Value < -10000 (Less then Minus -10000) THEN Value is "5 TIME Space Button" ( Space Button tell the Max7219 Display to Blank a Display)

For IAS You can work with a Precondition..... Create a Duplicate Config for the Display that value ALWAYS is "5 time Space" And Then use Preconditions
The Original Config workes if Blank Offset = 0 The Duplicate Offset always work if Blank Offset = 1


HERE is the Topic ( sorry it´s 50% in german ) to set the Displays for the PMDG 737. Maby you can see there how it works !

IF NOT.... Please Request here for more help. Then i will test this out with my PMDG 777 and give you a guide.... BUT note this will take some days/weeks.
Good Luck !
2017-05-21 15:30
Posts: 5
hello pizman82
I created a second config for v / s and ias but I did not understand what to put in offset and precondition. I'll send you a picture. Sorry for my english! thank you
2017-05-21 15:57
Posts: 5
picture not work!
2017-05-21 15:58
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Maby the linked thread give you the needed info.... maby use search function. Preconditions are already explaned lots of times !

Short Guide:

Please note i dont check the 777 technic until now. MABY there is a better way here, too. But the follow is the Basic Technic for Preconditions.....

After all you neeed THREE Configs.

1. Is the Status Config, I Call this mostly "READ ONLY xxxxx" In Youre Example " READ ONLY Vs Blank"
This config NOT use a device like LED or Display.. This read only a Offset and we use THIS Value for a later Preconditioning.
In Youre Example this is the Offset of VS Blank 6550 1 Byte INT

2. The Basic Config. This Read out the Data Offset
In Youre Example this is the Offset for VS
This is set to the Display Max7219 of youre Choice.

3. The BLANK Config..... This is The Config that always Set the Display BLANK if needed
Offset is no matter.... we always compare this value to "5 Time Spacebar" to tell the Display it should be blank.. You can use every Offset you like.... I recoomend to use a already used offset like the Original VS Offset to prevent a double read for Mobiflight.
Use a Comape here... IF VALUE =1 Then "5 time Space" ELSE "5 time Space" ( Push 5 time Spacebar to set 5 empty diggits) ... With this comapare the Config ALWAYS show Blank..... set the SAME Display for this config like above in the Original Config !

NOW the Trick!!!!!! Use on Original Config and Blank Config even ONE Precondition.....
On Original Config you say Only work if "READ OUT VS Blank" config = 0
On Blank Config you say Only work if "READ OUT VS Blank" config = 1

Now when Blank Offset = 0 ( Display is not blank at the moment in simulator) then the Original Config work and show the currrent value.
If it should be blank in Simulator the Blank offset changed form 0 to 1....
Now the Precondition say the Original config should stop working and the BLANK Config start running.... And That Config now blank youre Display with the "5 time Space" Value !

Hope this was explaned ok....
If not again i will make you a example config next time and send it to you via Email.
Please Contact me if needed Please use "Mobiflight xafa7480" in Header so i know who i talking to.
Good Luck !
2017-05-22 02:17