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Posts: 8

I'm testing my Arduino Mega with 3 Led Display Modules MAX7219:

I'd like to use just 3 modules daisy chained, but some values are not in the same module. For example the Heading would be in the 1st and in the 2nd module, also for the Altitude in the 2nd and 3rd module:

Other segments could be used to displays SPD or MACH. Is possible to display a "7" if SPD is selected or "L" if MACH is selected? (the other segments would be masked to display just the upper or down segment). Could anyone show me how to do it?

In other to display a value in different modules I think I'd need to create two Output Mappings. Could anyone help me to configure them?

If it's no possible, other solution is to change the order of values, like this:

Because it's no possible to join the modules, I must to desolder the displays from the modules and solder them to a prototype PCB to get them together and cabling them to the modules.

That would be not a "real" MIP but it could be a "low cost" solution in order to have all the values in 3 modules (and there's no space for 4 modules).

Thanks for your help and opinions.

I'm waiting for simple encoders I've order by Ebay (I've KY-040 encoders but it seems they're not good) and other parts. Once I avance in this project I'll share it and upload pictures.

2017-04-12 19:33
Posts: 8
Answering myself...

I've tried to use two segments to display if the Autopilot is Enabled or Disabled. The module can display the character "_", but not "¯", so I've remplaced it by the "7" masking the two right segments. This is the result:

The configuration in MobiFlight is:

You can print a transparency with a laser printer for the masking and applying this for the SPEED or MACH indicator, the result could be like this:

2017-04-13 15:37
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Iridio....

Interesting technic with the "Symbols" like Spd7Mach or HDG/TRK.... i think myself a lot of time how i can do this with a normal 7 Segment.... Nice Solution with the 7/_idea!

To the Displays itself.... It´ polisble to manipulate the Offsets with 2 Configs.... But it´s a little Difficult..... If you like a ultra realistic Cockpit with Display Blank when battery off and some other stuff it´s VERRY Difficult.

I wrote in other threads my recomend way... Use MayTubes with recomend Display Blocks.....
(For Example .... )

Here you can put the Displays off and you can set the Displays so as you like it.... You can use the 4 Blocks again..... or You can buy for Example 3,4,5,6, Diggit Displays for this.
You also can use Bigger 1 Diggit Displays in another Color for the "Signs" like HDG/TRK .... And here you siply can wire only the upper and lower Segment so the Right 2 Segments of the Seven are not iluminated.

With this technic it´s not importantn how many Max Modules you use.... So you can take a additional one to prevent a Double Config for one Display.

Please read older threads here.... This is already disscused many times.
Any Questions.... Reply... i try to help !
Good Luck !
2017-04-14 23:26