Hi Binki.
If Posible please use next time a new topic for a question that have no context to the current header.... this Topic here talk about a old Bug in Mobiflight and NOT about Servo Motors or Encoders for PMDG
To your Questions.....
1. Flaps Gauge.
Basicly for PMDG you have to use the PMDG internal Offset.... NOT the FSX Offset. Look Up PMDG support TWO Offsets here... One for Left Flaps one for Right Flaps.... If you build only a 1 Needle Gauge please use only ONE of the two offsets.
Then you have to multiplicate the Value in transformfield with $*1000
This is cause the PMDG Offset Value is from 0-40 ..... A Changing from 0-1 is working 0,01 0,02 0,03 until 0,99 . BUT Mobiflight only can read Hole Numbers.
For Mobiflight here 0,99 is the same like 0.... The result is the problem your needle not moving smoothe and "jump" from 0 to 1 . simmular problem from 2 to 5.... Here it only see the 3 and 4 as steps.... So your needle will not run smoothe... It will jump 2 times.
With a Multiplication you add 1000 Steps instead of 1 Step.... means 0-1 is now 0-1000 so you have upto 999 steps for the Servo to run smoother.
Now to the Problem you got with the non Linear Gauge....

Here you see the Steps are not linear.... For example the Range between 1 and 2 is much bigger then the step between 30 and 40
If you not interpolate then your gauge will be linear.... 0 is Start... 40 is End. The middle will be 20 .... all Steps a the same.
To make this working you need a difficult technic.... But we cant give you a full sulution cause every gauge is different.... you have to build the config personalised to YOUR gauge !
At first get shure your servo supports a 270° Turning ( if you like to show this on a 1:1 Gauge like the picture i linked.
Then Define a Range for the Servo..... I Use normaly a Compas Scale for this..... For a Full Circle i use 3600 ( 360° ) just for example.
NOW you have to find out WHERE in this Scale are the Points the needle should stop in your Gauge.
For Example at the Picture....
Flaps 0 is INPUT Value 0 .... In Gauge it means 0 Degrees and OUTPUT Value is 0
Flaps 40 is INPUT Value 40000 .... In gauge it means 270° and Output Value is 2700
Problematic are the middle Steps. You have to use the Test Function of the Servo Config Tab to find ouit now.... WHAT Output Value turns the Servo exact to the 1,2,5,10,15,25,30 Points ??? .... If You find out for example that 75 is the right value for the "1" position THEN
Enter in the Interpolation Tab .... INPUT Value 1000 = Output Value 75
Do this for all steps and your gauge will working !
EDIT: But Note... Stephan explane all this Stuff much better like me in the guide we talk before !!
Finaly the Encoders.....
Please Confirm you use EventID from PMDG ( NOT the FSX EventID) ...... If you Use the PMDG Events with correct Mouse Parameters all Encoders should work fine !