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From: The Hague, Netherlands
Posts: 26

First: Although I am an ICT engineer, using Arduino's is totally new for me.

Today I tried tot connect an Arduino Mega clone (which I got from my son) to my Windows 7 Flightsim PC.
I had to install a driver but after that, the connection was recognized by Windows as USB-Serial CH340 (COM11).
I installed the Arduino IDE and the Arduino board was found. Uploading of a test sketch (Blink) was positive; no problems.

Then I started MFconnector. After a short time the program respond with: Arduino Megas connected - Do you want to upload Mobiflight firmware? I agreed.
After some time the system respond: There was an error uploading the firmware! Enable Debug logging for details.
I enabled the debug logging, did the same thing thing but I can not find a debug file.

Probably the issue is that my board is a clone type. In the MF software the board is recognized as a Arduino Uno (however, it is a 2560 (Mega) clone).
Looking to the detailed information about the board in MF it was stated that Firmware is n/a, Port is 11, Serial n/a en Type Arduino Uno.

To be complete as possible: in Arduino IDE the board details are: BN: Unknown board, VID 1A86, PID 7523 and SN: Upload a sketch to obtain it. (The last I did but no difference).

Any help (German language is also OK for me) is appreciated.

Kind Regards, Hans (Netherlands)
2017-02-04 15:54
Posts: 53
Hi HansK...i had the same experienced, to me, after this message, i had to disconnect the USB cable and reconnect, perform a Firmware update again and solved, after this the MEGA is recognized, but, every time that i test if the ARDUINO examples, i need to reinstal the MF firmware again.
i hope to help you...sorry for my english.( i tried to no use google translator)
2017-02-04 16:22
From: The Hague, Netherlands
Posts: 26
Hi Souza,

Thanks for your help. I will give it a try tomorrow.

Gr. Hans
2017-02-04 18:05
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Hi Hans,

that's really a bummer. I see that the VID and PID is the same on your Mega and on my Uno (mine is also a clone).
With the last release where I added support for UNO I moved the VID-PID-combination from Mega to Uno in my config. I thought it was a mistake. But really the problem seems to be, that the VID-PID is not uniquely assigned to either Mega or Uno as I assumed.

My goal was to do the recognition super automatically - but it seems that I have to think over the approach if we have the situation that different board types have similar VID-PID-combinations.

Try to upload the hex file from the "firmware" folder manually to the board and check if it then works.
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2017-02-05 07:48
From: The Hague, Netherlands
Posts: 26
Hi Sebastian,

First of all: Thanks for your quick answer. The support on this forum is amazing. Most of the expensive commercial software doesn't have this great support. My compliments! (Will use the donate button too this week :) ).

After reading some posts yesterday I already had the impression that my problem (and probably from Souza too) had something to do with a non-unique identifier code. That was also the reason I mentioned it.
This morning I tested again. First I updated Mobiflight to version 7.2.1. and disabled automatic upload. I din't know how to upload the firmware with Mobiflight or Arduino IDE (I am a newbie :blush: ) but I found a nice small program that did the job for me: Xloader.
Result: Mobiflight recognizes my clone board now as a Mega board and all looks OK.

Today is a family day but this week I will continue to discover the possibilities of Arduino and Mobiflight.
Souza and Sebastian thanks for the support!

2017-02-05 10:12
Posts: 15
I have the same problem and i dont know how to fix it!! someone please help!!
2017-02-12 23:28
From: LTBJ, Turkey
Posts: 160
Having the same problem :( Uploaded the firmwares via XLoader.

7.1.3 is the latest working version for the 2560 boards..Newer ones recognize them as Uno's.
2017-02-13 12:05
Posts: 15
how did you get the 7.1.3 firmware? i would really want it
2017-02-13 16:03
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
to get older builds use the download link from webside but change the last value into the version you like...


this is the current version link.... just use .........7.2.0.exe for example

By the way... Sebastian already know the issue. please give him a little time to fix this. Shure one of the next releases workes for all of us !
Good Luck !
2017-02-15 18:40
From: The Hague, Netherlands
Posts: 26
A little bit besides the subject of this thread but just for information:

Besides the Arduino Mega I own an Arduino Uno (clone) as well but that board didn't work with the Mobiflight software.
Not a real problem for me, I used the Mega version instead.

After updating to version 7.2.3 the Uno clone however is recognized as an Arduino Uno and functions well.
Perfect! Thanks Sebastian!

Gr. Hans
2017-02-28 17:45