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05/03/2024 - This forum is read-only

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Posts: 1
Hi All,

Apologies I am new to MobiFlight so please do forgive my ignorance.

I have searched on YouTube and this forum with regards to getting my potentiometer rudder to work with FSX. Everything I find shows how to code with 2020 and does now work with FSX.
I have started by installing and getting the values to show up on mobiflight log. I have everything installed and all the ticks in place for it to communicate from the Arduino to the sim but I cannot find the right setting. I have tried adding it as a FSUIPC event, or MSF2020 but neither seem to work in the sim yet the logging shows no errors. I have been using hubhop for all the presets.

Is it just a case that FSX just does not support this or am I doing something wrong here or is there an idiots guide for this very issue?

Thanks in advance and again apologise for my ignorance.

Kindest regards


Edit: The forum lot were great and guided me. Just incase anyone is interested here is how it was done:
input the model and device and saved the the input settings as a mobiflight variable. Left type, name as default and value @ Then added an output and the variable type to mobiflight variable. Went to the modify tab and added he precondition 16383=52 and -16383=1022. Then in the display tab chosen input action on change and in drop down went to fsuipc event, entered the event id of 65696 and @ in the para.
[Last edited by Daz, 2024-02-09 14:02]
2024-02-07 14:39