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Posts: 21
Hi, my MobiFlight and Mega2560 was working fine until I powered up today and auto-updated to v10.1.0

When the firmware tried to update, I was prompted to choose which Arduino I'm using and I selected Mega2560, but the firmware update keeps failing ... and now I cannot get anything to work.

Error 01/17/2024 15:47:00 ExitCode: 1 => Something went wrong when flashing with command
C:\Users\john\Downloads\MobiFlight\MobiFlightConnector-10.0.0\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude -C"C:\Users\john\Downloads\MobiFlight\MobiFlightConnector-10.0.0\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf" -patmega2560 -cwiring -PCOM8 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:"C:\Users\john\Downloads\MobiFlight\MobiFlightConnector-10.0.0\firmware\mobiflight_mega_2_5_1.hex":i.

Info 01/17/2024 15:47:00 MobiflightModule.connect: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 at COM8 of type MobiFlight Mega (DTR=>True).

Info 01/17/2024 15:48:20 Checking for RELEASE update...

Info 01/17/2024 15:48:24 MobiFlight is up to date.
2024-01-17 06:00
Posts: 21
Could anyone please assist in resolving this for me? Thanks.
2024-01-18 23:27
Posts: 21
Very interesting. I bought a new Mega 2560 and when I connected it (Windows 11 PC), I got the same error and it failed during the firmware update.

However, I plugged the new Mega 2560 into an older Windows 10 PC (and refused the software update - it's still running V9.7.1). I did however update the firmware and it did that part successfully!

When I took this Mega 2560 to the Windows 11 PC, it failed again with the firware update.

Interestingly, on the Windows 11 PC, the old 2560 says it's on COM5, but when I plug the new 2560 into exactly the same USB port, it says COM6!

Now I'm really confused and not got things working again yet - any ideas?
2024-01-21 07:34
Posts: 21
OK, good news ...

Just to help out others who might have encountered the same issue, I've fixed it and the old Mega 2560 board works fine again ...

I ensured my board was NOT plugged in. I backed up my personal MF files and uninstalled the MF software completely, did a PC restart, downloaded a fresh copy of the 10.1.0 MF software and installed as Administrator, did another restart, restarted MF, and only then did I plug back in Megae 2560 board. I updated the firmware successfully this time and all works now 100%.

I can only assume it might have been a glitch in the auto V10.1.0 updater???

Cheers, John.
2024-01-21 09:17
Posts: 21
Seems it's a conflict with Sim Racing Studio (SRS) software as it was always happening if the SRS software was started first.
2024-01-31 08:10