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Posts: 2
Thanks for sharing the code for the Zibo encoders, they work just beautiful. I was having some hard time trying to make them work in the right way.
I am still prototyping and learning how to configure MobiFlight to build my MCP, but not I got some good directions and soon I may have it done. I will share any additional information that I find. Thanks!!!
2022-01-25 21:25
From: France
Posts: 90
New ZIBO Offset For Radio,Nav and ATC


For 7 SEG display

Dataref NAVFRE sim/cockpit/radios/nav1_freq_hz int
Offset 0x6500 UINT16 1 rw $NAVFRE >NAVFRE @

Dataref NAVKHZ sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/nav1_standby_frequency_khz int
Offset 0x6502 UINT16 1 rw $NAVKHZ >NAVKHZ @

Dataref NAVMGHZ sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/nav1_standby_frequency_Mhz int
Offset 0x6506 UINT16 1 rw $NAVMGHZ >NAVMGHZ @

For Button TFR

Command 0x6525 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/push_button/switch_freq_nav1_press _


For 7SEG display output

Dataref ATC sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/transponder_code int
Offset 0x6504 UINT16 1 rw $ATC >ATC @

For Encoders

Command 0x6516 UINT8 1 1 sim/radios/transponder_1000_down _
1 0 sim/radios/transponder_1000_down
Command 0x6517 UINT8 1 1 sim/radios/transponder_1000_up _
1 0 sim/radios/transponder_1000_up

Command 0x6518 UINT8 1 1 sim/radios/transponder_100_down _
1 0 sim/radios/transponder_100_down
Command 0x6519 UINT8 1 1 sim/radios/transponder_100_up _
1 0 sim/radios/transponder_100_up

Command 0x6520 UINT8 1 1 sim/radios/transponder_10_down _
1 0 sim/radios/transponder_10_down
Command 0x6521 UINT8 1 1 sim/radios/transponder_10_up _
1 0 sim/radios/transponder_10_up

Command 0x6522 UINT8 1 1 sim/radios/transponder_1_down _
1 0 sim/radios/transponder_1_down
Command 0x6523 UINT8 1 1 sim/radios/transponder_1_up _
1 0 sim/radios/transponder_1_up


For 7SEG display output

Dataref COM1STBYKHZ sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/com1_standby_frequency_khz int
Offset 0x6508 UINT16 1 rw $COM1STBYKHZ >COM1STBYKHZ @

Dataref COM1SBTYMHZ sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/com1_standby_frequency_Mhz int
Offset 0x6510 UINT16 1 rw $COM1SBTYMHZ >COM1SBTYMHZ @

Dataref COM1ACTKHZ sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/com1_frequency_khz int
Offset 0x6512 UINT16 1 rw $COM1ACTKHZ >COM1ACTKHZ @

Dataref COM1ACTMGHZ sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/com1_frequency_Mhz int
Offset 0x6514 UINT16 1 rw $COM1ACTMGHZ >COM1ACTMGHZ @

For Button TRF

Command 0x6524 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/rtp_L/freq_txfr/sel_switch _

Have Fun:)
2022-04-07 20:14
Posts: 5
hello all,

can someone please share the FULL .cfg file they made ? I know that then I have to reselect some addresses etc in the mobiflight config, but I have no clue where to find all these references otherwise unless from an example.

second question :
I read the xpuipc cfg file should be read after zibo is fully loaded. Probably that is why i get errors in the xpuipc.txt file ?
21:31:51:941 XPUIPC Enable !
XPWideServer Enable !
XPUIPC->Reading XPUIPCOffsets.cfg
Dataref sim/cockpit/switches/EFIS_vor_on not found.
Dataref sim/custom/xap/fcu/fd not found.
Dataref sim/custom/xap/fcu/ils not found.
Dataref xpuipc/wpt_bitfield not found.
Command laminar/B738/autopilot/autothrottle_arm_toggle not found.
Command not found.

so that is I guess why people say to reload the datarefs after the sim has started ? However, when clicking the menu to go to that setting, xplane crashes. I read somewhere that it is not compatible with Vulcan driver setting.

So is this a dead end or what am I missing ?

Really would appreciate support from you all :-) My grey hair is getting more grey every day like this LOL
2022-04-19 13:31
Posts: 1
Question for a newbie. How did you get the custom offsets?

2022-04-22 02:35
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Question for a newbie. How did you get the custom offsets?


You mean the used Offsets in XPUIPC ?

the manual said you can use avery Offset....
Most of them are Empty itslef.... If they are used by main XPUIPC System you overwrite them by define them yourself.

best way to not get in trouble is to use a OffsetList (Web) .
there you can see the official used offsets.... Simply choose for the non listed ones.
Good Luck !
2022-04-23 00:59
Posts: 1
you saved my life!!!
2022-08-15 01:33
Posts: 1
Greetings All! I am an Old-Fart Simmer (first started with Flight Sim in the 80's).
But, I am a Newbie with coding for my own custom flight sim hardware.

On behalf of many Old-Timers with little or no experience in coding, I want to thank you all for your comments, advice and importantly, sharing your code to make hardware work.
The use of touch and feel switches/encoders have significantly enhanced my Flight Sim experience.

And....I am so grateful to MobiFlight and the MobiFlight Community for creating the Connector.
This has brought so much more joy to my hobby (ah, but with a wee bit of a learning curve)

From this Newbie to all of you so much smarter than I....thank you for sharing your fantastic knowledge!
2023-02-12 17:28
From: Hungary
Posts: 65
Hi all,
I'm really grateful for MobiFlight and for the Community.
Please find here my piece of datasets I've figured out.

If you have some analogue input (with a 10K ohm resistor) you can change the lights in the cockpit instead of clicking the knee panel. ;)
MAIN PANEL BRIGHTNESS: laminar/B738/electric/panel_brightness[0]
PANEL BRIGHTNESS OVERHEAD: laminar/B738/electric/panel_brightness[2]
PANEL BRIGHTNESS PEDESTAL: laminar/B738/electric/panel_brightness[3]
AFDS BRIGHTNESS: laminar/B738/electric/generic_brightness[7]
BACKGROUND BRIGHTNESS: laminar/B738/electric/generic_brightness[6]
BACKGROUND BRIGHTNESS PEDESTAL: laminar/B738/electric/generic_brightness[8]

You can change more values with one potentiometer => simply multiply the input.
The value coming from the potentiometer is from 0 to 1023, the dataset value is between 0 and 100 %.
So the expression="@/1023" or if you wired the reverse way: expression="(1023-@)/1023"
Hope you enjoy!
Do you know that you can simplify: if($=1,0,1) ?
Use simply: 1-$ :)
2023-07-21 22:54
From: Hungary
Posts: 65
Hi all,
On the MCP for the altitude encoder I use altitude_up and altitude_dn command.
This is very slow, so I need a command for 'fast left' and 'fast right' action.
Do you have any idea?
Do you know that you can simplify: if($=1,0,1) ?
Use simply: 1-$ :)
2023-09-19 23:58
Posts: 2
Looking for some help please. I am making a com1 radio. However when I setup the 7 seg display to show the stby freq it shows for example 118.975 in the aircraft but my display only shows 118.970 can’t seem to do the 5s

This is XPlane 12
2023-09-20 23:24
From: Hungary
Posts: 65
Which dataref are you using?
Maybe abother dataref is needed, which contains all numbers.
Do you know that you can simplify: if($=1,0,1) ?
Use simply: 1-$ :)
2023-09-21 22:59
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