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Posts: 6
Hi All,

I am having trouble interfacing with the Cessna 172 G1000 Standby Battery Switch items.
This is the STBY BATT switch (ON and Test) and the green test LED that are on the Laminar XPLANE11 Cessna G1000 Electrical Panel.

Does anyone know either the offsets or how to interface Mobiflight with these items?

(1) Standby Battery Switch TEST position
(2) Standby Battery Switch ON position
(3) Standby Battery TEST LED

2021-10-29 23:15
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

I can not guide you ( i not use Xplane myself)
Its the same workflow like always.....

XPUIPC only show elements that was added by the programmer..... Mostly simply the "old" FSUIPC Table from FSX from 2006 .
Some Versions also include newer stuff... Mostly not documented in case this are not aprooved user hacks.
In easy words.... G1000 was no part of old FSX lists.... so pretty sure its not included.

And NOW.... All that is not included must be done by the user in the XPUIPC INI File. Check other Topics or Google for that.
You can choose every "Dataref" and you can set it to a free Offset by entering some code there.

Hopefully we can offert a better tool here in the future.
After we get indipended from FSUIPC already in FS2020 (WASM Tool) it is also on our ToDo List (far future) to include a own Tool for Xplane, too. Then XPUIPC and Offsets are gone and you can select elements ( same like SimVim) directly within MF.
Good Luck !
2021-11-03 07:26
Posts: 1
Did you ever figure this out? I am having the same problem. I got everything to work but the test & LED but I haven't even installed an LED yet...
2023-08-18 22:52