MobiFlight Community Support

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05/03/2024 - This forum is read-only

The community support for MobiFlight has moved exclusively over to our Discord server. Register for free and enjoy more interactive functions like image and video upload, voice chat. More than 7,000 registered users around the world make it a great experience!

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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

The forum is still providing a lot of good content, hence we keep this information accessible.

Posts: 1
Hello - please forgive me, I am very new to this.

I have the MCP from CoreFlight Technologies, and it uses Mobiflight software to be able to configure it to PMDG for example. I am trying to work from that config file to make it suit the Asobo 787, I am confident I can do most things such as assign the heading knob to heading left/right etc but the one thing I cant find is how the LCD Display also changes with that heading (on the Coreflight MCP not in the aircraft). The heading normally stops on 000 on the LCD however in the aircraft the heading has been selected to 220HDG for example.

I apologise if this doesn't make sense but I'm struggling to explain it better.

2023-06-26 16:21
Posts: 14
Hi Adsuk,

I'm also struggling with the fact that the number of settings for the 787 are limited, however, you can sometimes use the generic settings for things like these. I tried this, and it worked for the 787:

Heading display:
Variable type: SimConnect (MSFS2020)
Vendor: Microsoft
Aircraft: Generic
System: Autopilot


And then you will probably need to use the transform option, and fill in: Round($,0)
2023-06-29 00:02