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Posts: 6
Hello everybody,

I have just installed mobiflight. I use an arduino with connected on it a PCB Mobiflight from Hispapanels. the problem is that when I connect the Arduino, it gives me a COM port... OK but when updating the firmaware I get this message : there were an error on uploading the firmware for the board.

I tried with several computers and the problem is the same.

Sometimes it works but when I disconnect the Arduino and I connect it again I still have the message.

Please can you help me ?

Thanks a lot.

2023-06-11 10:14
From: near EDDL, Germany
Posts: 50
Hello Michel,

which Arduino are you using?
If it is an Arduino clone with CH340 Chip (USB serial converter and this chip has no labelling) this could be the reason. With the last driver update from windows a couple of weeks ago the functionality for these chips is broken.
The only solution for now is to rollback the driver to 2019 version. Or to exchange the Arduino to an original one or a clone with FTDI chip.

Regards Ralf
2023-06-11 12:19
Posts: 6
Hello Elral,

Thank you so much for quick answering.

Well the problem is that where can I find if it is CH 340? The only thing I know is that it is an ELEGOO 2560 R3 bought on Amazon : La puce est de Atmega,les modèles sont 2560-16au et 16u2, identique à l’officielle, identique à l’officielle.
I am sorry but what do I have to do to : "rollback the driver to 2019 version"
Tanks a lot for your help.
Best regards.

2023-06-11 16:02
From: near EDDL, Germany
Posts: 50
Hi Michel,
Hmhm, the Elegoo Boards should run fine what I heard so far as they don't use this chip. So no reason to change the driver.

Best would be to join Discord (link above) and open a new thread under "support topics/mobiflight" with the comment that it is an Elegoo Board.

Regards Ralf
2023-06-12 08:42
Posts: 6
Hi Ralf,

Thank you so much. OK so I can consider I can keep my ELEGOO. If I understand what you mean, ELEGOO has the chip FTDI ?

What I find very strange is that when I connect the ELEGOO ARDUINO it normally works but when I put on (like a shield) the Mobiflight Hispapanels Board it goes wrong. I do not understand why it gets in trouble juste by connecting theMobiflight Shield !

Ok I willpost on Discord.

Best regards.

2023-06-12 11:22
Posts: 6
Hi Ralf,
I saw you asked me a question on Discord but I cannot reply.. do I have to be invited once again on Discord ? I am sorry but I am not very comfortable with Discord...
I answer you so : no, I have not tried another USB cable. I just used the cable which is provided with the ELEGOO Board.
Thansk a lot.
Best regards.
2023-06-13 10:56
Posts: 6
Hi everybody,

I still have problems... I checked the Hispapanels hield and there is no problem. No shorts.

The problem is when i plug the hispapanels mobiflight shield.

With Hispapanels shield plugged I have thsi additional line on the LOG :

Error 06/15/2023 09:38:28 avrdude timed out! Something went wrong when flashing with command
"Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude" -C"Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf" -patmega2560 -cwiring -PCOM6 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:"C:\Mobiflight 9.7\firmware\mobiflight_mega_2_4_1.hex":i.

Can you help me ?

thanks a lot.

2023-06-15 10:08
From: near EDDL, Germany
Posts: 50
Hi Michel,

best would be really to have this discussion on DIscord as there are more experienced users. Most of them do not read this forum, also I am only irregular reading it.
Normally you have only once to register on Discord, multiple invitations are not required.

Nevertheless, as far as I know there is a Mobiflight adapter board required to get the Hispapanals to work as far as I know. Does Mobiflight work if you only connect this adpater board?

I still think there are problems with the serial communication once the board is connected. Mobiflight does not get a board info and therefore tries to update the board again. But this fails due to the serial communocation problem and therefore you get the additional log entry.

I will ask a user who did some support for a Hispapanel some years ago. Maybe he has an idea.
By the way, which Hispapanel we are talking about?


2023-06-15 13:21
Posts: 6
Hi RAlf,

Thank you so much.

Well, I have the adapter : Hispapanels mobiflight adapter for the EFIS Boeing 737.

This one :

I am OK to post on DIscord but I can not. I get a message telling me to look at my email but I get no message on my email :confused:

Best regards.

2023-06-15 16:10