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Posts: 10
New to Mobiflight I plugged a CD74HC4067 multiplexer into a UNO and entered the FCUIP on press and on release settings for the C172 switch panel in FSX (Steam) into the Mobiflight interface, uploading and saving as required. When testing 'run' and flicking the switches Mobiflight kindly informs me "config not executed, Mobiflight not running". Where am I going wrong?
2023-03-04 11:06
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

You already write your answer yourself !


. When testing 'run' and flicking the switches Mobiflight kindly informs me "config not executed, Mobiflight not running". Where am I going wrong?

"Mobiflight not Running" means MF is in Stop Mode. ( You can see if the RUN Symbol is available or greyed out)

Simply press RUN!
Good Luck !
2023-03-04 21:55
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Switchboard Multiplexer on Uno stopped working
and Mega 2560 running all settings in the taskbar cannot be stopped and read.
Cannot find solutions.

Sorry. Maybe in case of translation your text is wrong.
I not understand what you like to say.

Please give us more information what happen.
Explane step by step what you do and what happen.
Come to DISCORD. There we can talk , you can share your screen or send pictures and Videos.
Good Luck !
2023-03-10 14:08
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi again.

At first... I recommend also to you to join Discord.
E.g. in your case you could simply share the MCC as a file and we could check it within Mobiflight.

About Problem....

File on first view looks good.... But its hard to check if i see only text. As i said a short test on my computer by share the filöes is more profitable.
What i see are lots of unlogical entrys... But those should not occure in a Error in most cases.
E.g. you use the Release.
Most of the Events, you work with here in this file are "Execute" events. So they not have a Parameter. No Mater if you send 0,1 or 99999 They always do the same.

E.g. Magneto Left means "Set the Virtual Magneto switch to Left Position"
So your Parameter 1 on Press and Parameter 0 on Release will do 2 times the same. Also on Release you SET the Switch again to Left whatever it is still there.

I still not understand the Problem itself...


I could not get a UNO with a multiplexer to run a standard switchboard on FSX.

Again... More detailed. Is there a Error warning? Can you connect it and it is shown as Device in the Input List but it not work ?
Does it work on a Mega instead? Is your Multiplexer Compatible with MF? Does it work with a basic arduino sketch? Is wirework confirmed correct ?


I restarted everything and followed the advice: it worked. In the following days and weeks, it did not work anymore.

If something is working and you not change anything then it will work 1000 Years.
So if it stop working you have to do something between.
Explane us what you change.
Do you e.g. create a new Config line that maybe is wrong and occure in a error ?

Last Note:
I recommend to enable the Loggig Mode. (Settings) Then you see a little Debug Textbox below the Config list.
E.g. if you Press one of your Multiplexer Buttons.... You will see there if they are detected.
So we can find out if your Problem is in hardware or Software.
We would also see there is MF correctly running, if there is a Config that occure in a normaly unvisible error or so.

And like i said at beginning.... In DISCORD we could check those thngs by shared screen and Voice. So like i would seat next to you and can check what happen myself.
Good Luck !
2023-03-11 13:23
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
I can guide you....
Simply contact me on Discord.... I can explain you all you need.
I´m in Contact with Users who are 80 Years+ without Problems B)

If your "Willem#2516 " i still send you a message....
If not... PM Me. I don`t know your Discord Name !
Good Luck !
2023-03-12 18:21
Posts: 10
Force feedback hangs on formulae

I have managed to get two electric motors to run, driven by MSUIPC data. They are the forerunners of force feedback for my MS FSX SE flight sim in a homebuilt C172 cockpit.
The test setup is a breadboard with three single rotary encoders for elevator trim, ailerons and elevator. The rotary encoders are connected to an Arduino Uno. The Arduino is connected to an L298N motor driver. With Mobiflight I have made inputs for the encoders, and outputs for the motor driver.
The setup is as documented by Mobiflight: LED pins for the motor driver, PWM pins for the motor speed, and analogue pins for reading MSUIPC data. I still experiment with selections from MSUIPC data.
Chat-GPT4 suggested selecting the following offsets of MSUIPC as relevant for the aerial effects on a flying aircraft: Ailerons, Elevator, Vertical speed, Altitude, Airspeed, Ground speed, G-forces, Acceleration, Wind speed, Direction, Flaps, Slats, Landing gear down, Trim, Stability, Auto Pilot. The RPM offset was not suggested...
There are still issues. The main one is the reliability of the feedback. The problem is the huge variation in output numbers, which must be reduced or enlarged to fit the 0-128 range required by the Arduino Uno to deliver the correct voltage levels to the electric motors.
Now I need the relevant formulae to equalize the MSUIPC data with the ranges required to drive the motors. Meanwhile, I'll also experiment with potentiometers to control the pitch and roll of the yoke. Getting all parts to work harmoniously may take a few more months of work.
My C172 cockpit has double yoke controls, double rudder pedals, and two monitors behind the instrument panel to show the gauges. I also have monitors for the outside views but may use a beamer instead.
Two small car seats are fitted with safety harnesses. At the corners of the front window, air conditioner outlets are fitted with electric micro ventilators. Two headphones allow intercom as well as ATC comms.
The set-up of force feedback involves complicated choices and mathematics, even for the simplest application.
-Choices must be made of aerial effects to be fed into the motor affecting pitch and which aerial effects must drive the motor affecting bank.
-FFB including control of the rudder pedals requires choices and calculations for another two electric motors.
-FFB for actuators controlling the 3D movement of the cockpit involves even more choices and calculations.
-The force levels from around sixteen MSUIPC offsets must be reduced or increased to deliver the correct voltage for force feedback motors and actuators.
Perhaps the use of Chat-GTP4 or newer AI apps may help in configuring and calculating the multiple settings for Force Feedback. How these apps must be questioned to come up with the correct replies is another matter requiring investigation.
Has someone come up with relevant solutions? Please share.
[Last edited by willem.kootstra, 2023-04-16 16:03]
2023-04-13 11:45