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Posts: 4
Dear community,
i need some help for my multifunction display:
Which datarefs for the following values, and how to transform them to display correctly on a 2004 LCD display:

DME distance (nm + kts) nav1 + nav2,
Altitude preselect,
Vertical Speed,
Heading Bug,
Current Altitude,
Flaps selected

Maybe someone has tipps or a similar configuration / .mcc file?!
Last question, can´t get a readout / value for the gear deploy ratio in mobiflight (landing light LED).
Thanks a lot!!!
2023-02-06 07:43
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Like always... Every single aircraft can use different data (Vars) .
So we can not give you a mcc file or list without know what aircraft is in use.
And for sure... Only people who use the same aircraft finally can give you a list or mcc file. All other will give you the same awnser.... Simply test it out.

Create a MF Output Config.... Select "Xplane Dataref" and use the search mask.... e.g. with "heading" .
More then 190 entrys there. Test them.... Mostly the "basic named" things work . So try e.g. Heading, Heading Deg, Heading , Heading Dial Mag or so.....
If your Aircraft is listed try out if there exist specific Presets for it.
Good Luck !
2023-02-06 16:33
Posts: 4
Aircraft is a Cessna 172 REP, C210 REP. The question was, how to transform for example the NAV1 DME readout value to display correctly!
2023-02-06 20:41
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
As i said... I not own Xplane. So i can´t test it for you.

Te help you i need more informations.

What is wrong with the value?
If it not give you the correct DME Distance maybe you read the wrong dataref.... Try another one.
Maybe its finally the right one but wrong format.
I don´t know the situation but e.g. in FSUIPC and P3D some things was in meters instead of Miles... So you need a math to convert it.

Maybe your Problem is in case of using Decimals.... Is it a 7Seg or a LCD .... Do you use 9.6.0 Live or BEta Version 9.6.0.x ?

So... Please tell me exactly what is the problem ( in a way i not need to ask back again) ... Then i can help you better !
Good Luck !
2023-02-06 22:17
Posts: 4





So at least, both values are not displayed correctly. Using Mobiflight Version

I guess, i need to transform the values?! But how? :confused:

[Last edited by pilotwings, 2023-02-07 10:27]
2023-02-07 08:25
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
At first Thank you!
With that informations (MF Version, Showing the Value and tell me you use a LCD) i now know and see the problem!

So your correct.... You need a Transform !

The 2 Values are Decimals and have a huge decimal part.
A LCD is filled from the Right .... So with 4 numbers (in your case) it show a value of 16,2730199 (And many more decimals) NOT as 16,27 it show the last 4 decimal numbers.
In case this value is not stable ( Your distance change while flight) it flickering cause this last part represents maybe inches of distance instead of Miles and change fast.

Solution: You like pretty sure a value of xx,x .... So 1 Decimal Number.

Use transform: Round($,1)
(Important write Round with a capital R)
Then your DME in that example would show 16,3
Good Luck !
2023-02-07 12:50
Posts: 4
That was the solution - Thanks!! :rolleyes:
2023-02-08 08:09