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Posts: 11
I'm working for a while now on a 787 autopilot for the MSFS 2020. 4 LCD displays and 4 encoder are already working with the MSFS (I used FSUIPC Offsets for those).
Now I have the problem that there are no MSFS events for most of the buttons (LNAV, VNAV, FLCH ....). I searched in the net for a solution, and I found this video that shows how to get custom variables from the MSFS ( The creator of this video says that at the time we only can access H- and K-variables. As I tried to get the variables that I needed, I only found other variables like L- or B-variables. I can´t find anybody in the net who is also building a homecockpit for the 787.
I'm now wondering if this is even possible.
I hope someone can help me or had a similar experience and knows what to do or give me a hint.
Greetings Jannik
2023-01-21 18:49
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Lvars work.... BVars (As i know) are still blocked by Asobo/Microsoft.

Ironical specially the Stock Aircrafts use mostly those BVars.
E.g. A 100$ AddOn like PMDG will not and allow us a way better access.

So.... All you can do is testing. Often some stock things work also for other Arcrafts. Sometimes there is a BVar and also a Lvar so you maybe can bypass it.
If things can be done within the Sim Controlls you can use Vjoy to handle it via Mobiflight.

So not give up.
Best way is to get in Contact with one of the Pro Users who Dig Events in the past ( e.g. Jaime Leon on our Discord)
Those can help you.
Cause NOTE.... This Video is pretty Old. The technic how we handle Events have changed within the Year.
Good Luck !
2023-01-21 21:58
Posts: 11
Thanks for the quick and very helpful answer. I already found some variables I could use. If they work I will report here and put them on HubHop. I also didn`t know that we can use LVars now, that makes the hole thing a bit easier. Is there also an Updated tutorial or documentation on how to handle the variables for the MSFS?
Greetings Jannik
2023-01-24 18:35
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

. Is there also an Updated tutorial or documentation on how to handle the variables for the MSFS?

The way to dig them is still the same.... We just no longer use the "Event.txt" like in the Video.
This was before we create HubHop.... So the users have to enter the variables by hand in there file.
With HubHop the user enter the new Events now within HubHop and Mobiflight simply update the whole database when you patch it or manually say "Update Events".
So if a Event Change you not need to rework your own list.... You just use the Databse where a other user do this for you!

About Lvars....
I also not a pro here.... But a short search in HubHop confirm this i think....

E.g this Input:


That Code say it write "1" to a LVar.... isn´t it ?
Good Luck !
2023-01-25 13:33
Posts: 11
For the past few days I tested all the variables I found. It turns out that the hole process is much easier than I thought. I now added variables for every button and switch on the 787 Autopilot to HubHop. Three of the encoders are also working. Only the HDG encoder is currently not working, but I think I can fix that. I'll also probably add more presets for the 787 in the future. I just want to thank you again for the great support!
2023-01-29 17:47