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Posts: 38
Hello from Austria!

I built a flaps indicator with a servo.
It runs pretty good.

But: there are different values on different aircrafts.

Eg: PMDG 737-700 has values from 100, 200, 300 etc. for 0, 1,2, 5, .. 40
but Cessna 172 or CJ4 has 0, 2731, 4551 .... until 16383 (but I use 0, 15, 40 for this planes only)

Can I use a precondition for this case? I am not shure, how to!

Thanks and best wishes
Best wishes:
2022-12-02 10:14
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Sorry for late reply.

Yes you can.... By simple Math if its linear or by Interpolation if its non linear (as Flaps mostly are)

For example....

Lets say your "Output" to the Motor is a Vaƶue of 0-1000 and you know e.g. 0 = Flaps0 .... 50 = Flaps 1 .... 124 = Flaps 2 and so on.

Then you can simply use INTERPOLATION and say there in your PMDG example Input Value 0 = Output 0 ..... Input Value 100 = Output 50 Input Value 200 = Aoutput 124 and so on.

If we talk on other gauges for a linear Value then Math is the key.... Lets say your Gauge is based on a Value of 0-1000 and the Sim Value is 0-16383 .
Then $/16.383 will result in a Value 0-1000 perfectly.
Good Luck !
2022-12-28 19:23
Posts: 38
Hi and thanks!

Sorry for my delay too.
I found your answer today only.

Thanks for the great hint. I will test it asap.

Best wishes:
2023-01-20 22:42