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Posts: 3
I've made a yoke connected to 10k pots for aileron and elevator and they work in MF reasonably well. However I'd like to adjust the sensitivity and dead zone.

Is there a way to do this in MF?

If not, how can I adjust it in the game so MF responds to it?


2023-01-19 17:48
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

The Mobiflight Poti Support was basically build to support Poti Inputs like Light Dimming Inputs , Temperature Selectors and so on.
So linear Inputs "latching".

I know lot of people use MF also for there Main Controlls like Rudder, Pitch and so on.
My personal thought is that here a Sim Controll Setting is better ( so simply use a HID Joystick controller for this)

Whatever.... What you need is posible but we have no UI for this ( in case this was not our initial plans to handle those things.

1. Math Formulas in the Input Configs....
A MF Poti is read 0-1023
With functions like "min" "max", If else then and other calculations you can manipulate the Output Value.

2. Via Interpolation Tool.
Here the Poti write a MF Variable....
A Output Config read this Variable and with interpolation we manipulate it.....
E.g. we gan say 5=0 ... 1000=5000
So we would send a Value between 0 and 5000 but only within the Joystick Area of 5-1000 (0-4 and 1001 to 1023 are dead now)
Also sensitivity can be done by set multiply Interpolation Points to make the INput non linear (sensetive)

At the end you must choose in this output Config as device "INPUT ACTION" and then On Change.
Means now this config send on every change the "manipulated" Value to the Sim instead of the Raw Poti Signal.
Good Luck !
2023-01-19 23:23