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Posts: 2

I have noticed that an encoder does not work well when you put it onto a input multiplexer pins in mobiflight, Am I doing something wrong or is it a problem with mobiflight. The multiplexer is connected correctly i have tested that already, my signal pins are right and the encoder is connected correctly to the multiplexer(tested through simvinx, it seems fine).

2022-10-24 07:50
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Am I doing something wrong or is it a problem with mobiflight.

(tested through simvinx, it seems fine).

NO and NO.

You did nothing wrong.... And also there is no "problem" with Mobiflight !

We (Mobiflight) simply not support this !
We allow Multiplexer since some months, but ONLY for Button Devices.

Encoders via Multiplexers (like you say in SimVim work) are NOT possible at the moment in Mobilfight!

We plan for this in one of the next releases. But please note this is not a Issue. MF is a own software and we have nothing to do with SimVim.
So its not our target to support same things.... We try to do but this is not our main concern!
Good Luck !
2022-10-25 00:29
Posts: 2
Thank you for the answer, I really hope we can get encoders working on multiplexers soon, it will be a great update.
2022-10-25 17:07
Posts: 4
Hi I need to know if i mist some thing regarding the the use of a Multiplexer with Mobiflight
I use a Arduino Mega, I can add so far 4 Multiplexer fine and I link 1 Data pin on each one ...
But when I try to Add a 5th Multiplexer on that same Arduino Mega I receive this message
(( You cannot add another InputMultiplexer. The maximum is 4 on a Mobiflight Mega.))
Why a limit of 4 that give me a limit of 4 Data pin input X 16 ???
I need 12 Data pin input X 16 so I end up having to use 3 Arduino Mega instead of 1 ???
Their is sufficient room of pin on a Mega to accomodate the 4 pin Mux selector pins +++ 12 pin of data
So my question is : Why do you gys put a limit of 4 Multiplexor per Mega ...
Can I hope that a future version will change that 4 limit to 12 that is the normal expectation for a Multiplexor 16 x 12 ???
Thanks in advance :-)

NOTE: Having to use 3 Mega instead of 1 Cost me more and take lots more space :-(
2022-11-13 17:33
Posts: 4
I actually fall on the github Releases note of 9.6.0 that obviously state that it is block in code from 2 to 4 for the MEGA,,

Increase the number of supported multiplexer devices #951
"MaxInputMultiplexer": 4

Please increase that value from 4 to MaxInputMultiplexer= 12 or the least 6 so that a 12 input will no longer require 3 Arduino to get its full potential
Wish: "MaxInputMultiplexer": =12 (Only 1 Arduino MEGA will be required to support 1 Multiplexer)
Nice: "MaxInputMultiplexer": =6 (2 Arduino MEGA will be required to support 1 Multiplexer)
Now: "MaxInputMultiplexer": =4 (TOTAL of 3 Arduino MEGA are now required to support 1 Multiplexer)

Tanks in advance

NOTE: Connecting a MCDU A320 required a lots off Input Switch configuration in order to make it work...
Dealing with only One Mega would be more than appreciate instead of 3 right now.. since it is capable to do it smoothly with only one MEGA dealing with 12 Input Multiplex
2022-11-13 19:09
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

I not know why there is this "4" Limitation if 12 would be possible.
So feel free to directly enter your request in the Github Discussion / Issue where the increase from 2 to 4 is done.


I just like to say.... MF basic Idea is NOT to reduce number of Megas to a minimum. Also not to reduce costs by save 2 Megas!
In the past you have to pay 50$+ for a Controller. Today you can do it with a <10$ Arduino.
So (for us) its not a fact if you could do it with 1 instead of 3.... Cause also 3 Arduinos are more cheap like a old 50$ Controller.

Means all this Multiplexer Stuff only come in case a lot of people cry and permanent request for this. It was never a main target.... But for sure we do it in case user love it.

At the End.... You talk about a MCDU...
Why do you need 12 x 16 = 192 Inputs ????
4x16= 64 .... And a lot of Free Pins on the Arduino for more direct connected Buttons are way enough for a MCDU !
Good Luck !
2022-11-14 01:05
Posts: 4
Looks like I am losing my time here ... Dealing with the wrong person ... Yessss I will deal with the Github people... may hope to get a better response from them..

Any way for your information ...

A ... A320 MCDU ..Is a Computer that is by a A320 that have a Keyboard that use and NEED at least 11 x 16 inputs .. YESSSSSSSS this is a REALTY
And a Multiplexer DOES and serve this kind of purpose need... and more since it does 12 x 16 wow...
Sooooo event if the demand is out off your KNOLEDGE... please be kind with a non offering and respecting demand ...
Your respond was from my point of view making me feel out off the bound ... and believe me ... I'm not...
2022-11-14 01:33
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010


A ... A320 MCDU ..Is a Computer that is by a A320 that have a Keyboard that use and NEED at least 11 x 16 inputs .. YESSSSSSSS this is a REALTY

I count 71 Inputs .... Not 11x16
68 Pins on a Mega with additional usage of 1-2 Multiplexer is enough !
Good Luck !
2022-11-14 16:49
Posts: 4
Thanks for your response... I appreciate
Yes I agree that 4 X 16 + 7 more entry would do the job

This image may help me to demonstrate my objective...

When I said: 11 Data x 16 this is what I Ment... ( Ref my image...)
A real Matrix Configuration that push the Multiplexor to it's limit
I can achieve this (1 or 2 MCDU) with only one Multiplexer and only one Arduino as shown on the image... only if (11 data pin) are accepted (now only 4 are accepted ... )

But in order to do that, (11 data Pin) are required to be link to the Multiplexer but now the limit of 4 by the current version 9.6.0 of MobiFlight

Now that it is more clear why i hope to have the 4 nb of data pin raise up to 11 or 12
My question is... do you tink that it is possible to hope having a future version limited to 12 instead of 4 DataPin multiplexer...
Thanks in advance

2022-11-14 18:25
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Again!

Now i see whats the problem is.... You not just talk about the Multiplexer... You talk about a Matrix !


When I said: 11 Data x 16 this is what I Ment... ( Ref my image...)
A real Matrix Configuration that push the Multiplexor to it's limit

Thats not possible with Mobiflight.....
Cause we use Multiplexer as "Single Devices" .
Each Multiplexer (on one Arduino) share the 4 Adress Pins.... And it got its own Data Pins.

As i said... I not know why there is a limitation of 4 here... That can be awnserd by the Pro Users.
But also when we would have a limit of 11 here.... Then each Data Pin go to a single Multplexer (So you would need 11 Multiplexers) and each handle 16 Devices (Buttons).

I understand your logic and i know some SimVim Users do this. But as i said. MF is not Sim Vim and we not plan for those Matrix Systems for now.
If a user do the work and write the code for this.... AND.... If Sebastian like this code and the basic Idea.... Then maybe he implement it.
But not expect this as a "target" of Mobiflight. Matrix Inputs are not a point on our list and we are not looking forward to build them ourself at the moment.
Good Luck !
2022-11-15 22:35
Posts: 1
how to use rotary encoders in multiplex?
2023-07-23 15:52
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516

how to use rotary encoders in multiplex?

You can't at the moment. this is a feature that might be added in the future. Same as the matrix. Please check Github regularly.
Have a great day!

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2023-09-04 18:19