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Posts: 3
Hi i created my own mcp.. But i have a problem for mach value...i set ias and works very well.. But when i pass mach i cant disable the ias so my display flickering... İ added a configure =0 my mach activating but ias entry doesnt stop... What can i do?
2022-09-20 14:43
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

You need a Condition/Indication for the Precondition!
So a "other" Config that have a clearly state ....
e.g. some Aircrafts have a own Variable what mode is active .... For example 0/1 o=Mach 1 is IAS.
Or maybe like in PMDG Aircrafts If Speed Value is 100 or greater its IAS, if its less then its Mach or so.

At the End you need 2 Preconditions.... One in each Display Config.
First Display shows e.g. IAS and only work if Indication = x ...:
Second shows MACH (and have the Decimal included) and only work if indication = y

So your issue is.... You only use one precondition i expect.... So it work in one mode but still colide in the other.
ALWAYS get sure a Display/LED/Motor etc is controlled by only ONE Config at a time !

There are also more advanced ways to do this in one config, without precondtions by using References and Formulas in transform and compare....
But i think for you the Precon is more intuitive !
Good Luck !
2022-09-20 17:08
Posts: 3
Hi... İ configure the outputs one of for ias and one of for mach... İ entered precondition for ias when value >=100 and for mach when =0... And i set both of them when value - 1 display show blank... Everytging normal but when im on flight level and enable vnav my ias display disappearut when mach active display doesnt disappear but on software i see only a blank for output value... But on display i see mach value.... What can be the problem?
2022-09-21 12:21
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Thats logical....

You say in ISA the Precondition " Only work if Value >=100 .....
So your Compare "Show Space when -1" would NEVER happen... Cause Precondition say "-1 is NOT Greater or equal 100" ... So the Config would not work in that moment anymore.

By the way.... WHAT Config do you use as indication for the Precondition ?.... You can NOT use the initial Config within itself.... So it must be another one !
Do you use the MACH Config as PRecondition in IAS and the IAS as PRecondition in MACH .... OR Do you create a 3rd Config (e.g. lets call it "speed Info" ) you use for both ?

The important fact.... For Precondition usage the target config is handle by its OUTPUT Value.... Not by the Raw Value.
For example....
If Speed Config show a decimal Value in Mach Mode .... e.g. 0,77 then a condition of =0 would work....
But if you use in that cunfig a Multiply like $*100 to have on the Display 77 instead of 0,77 THEN the value is no longer 0 ..... its finally 77.
Same with Compare.... If you say When -1 then Space..... Then This config ( used as precondition in a other config) have that moment the Value ' ' (Space) and no longer -1 !!


Solution how i would do (with preconditions)
Config 1 Read Speed Value and do nothing with it! No Device. we use it just for the Condition !
Config 2 Read Speed Value and should show IAS ( No decimal is in use) ..... Precondition.... Only work if Config 1 is >=100 OR Only work if Config1 =-1
This Config include also the Compare IF Value = -1 Then ' '
Config 3 Read Speed Value and use Transform to bring it in a clean Value (Mostly $*100 for PMDG right ?)
This Config PRecondtion Only work if Config1<100 AND Config1 != (NOT) -1

Result... While IAS Config2 work..... While MACH Config3 Work .... While Blank (-1) Config 2 Work and blank the Disply via Compare.

I know this sounds strange at first....
Thats why i would use more advanced logics.
E.g. you could handle the blank fully indipended by using the Display Brightness Logic.
Means you no longer care what is shown on the display itself.... You would say... When Display must be blank ( by -1 or in case Battery Power switch is OFF) then Dimm the Display to Brightness 0 (Off).
I also personally use a formula to show IAS and MACH with one config.

Good news.... with next bigger MF Update we provide a much more cleaner and comfortable UI for this.
Then everybody can do those things within 2 Minutes and no base knowledge is needed anymore.
[Last edited by pizman82, 2022-09-21 18:25]
Good Luck !
2022-09-21 18:19
Posts: 3
thanks for this explanation and at last i solved my problem and switch of mach to ias works very well...
[Last edited by kartal2339, 2022-09-27 14:10]
2022-09-21 22:31
From: LTBJ, Turkey
Posts: 160
How did you solve? Can you explain?
2023-06-11 22:18