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Posts: 44
Hi !

I've tried to make a way to measure fuel consumption through MF. I had in mind to when the flight starts, in any way, save "Fuel_Total_Quantity" to a MF Var or in the fsuipc space ( 66C0....) for use later in the flight. But if I got it right it's not possible to "save" any values ? Is it something I've not got right or something I'm doing wrong ?
Cheers, Peter

Msfs 2020
Win 10
2022-01-30 12:38
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
The memory Slots are Temporary aslong the aplication is RUN ....

FSUIPC Offsets and Mobiflight Variables are "0" at Systemstart....
If you "save" something on that Slots it remain until the App is closed/stop.

FSUIPC Offsets are not interfaced to Mobiflight.... So these Values will remain if you Stop or Close MF ...
MF Variables are stored only while a RUN Seasson.... Means if you press STOP then all are set back to Zero !


So basicaly what you expect is possible.....
Save e.g. the current Fuel by a button Press to a Variable.... And then make a calculation of "Saved Fuel Value MINUS Current Fuel = burned Fuel meanwhile"


Why not simply use the Var for this....


Or do you need a more advanced calculation ?
Good Luck !
2022-01-30 12:51
Posts: 44
Thank you for the tip and for a fast reply !
Shall test.

Cheers, Peter

2022-01-30 14:03
Posts: 44
Tested to copy (A: GENERAL ENG FUEL USED SINCE START, Pounds ) into the"variable" window. The preset shows up, strange that I've missed this before, but it shows exactly "0" after ten minutes of flying. ( As output value in MF and in my LCD ) Testad with a couple of different airplanes, both standard and addons. Is this the right way to treat this code ?

2022-01-30 17:47
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

I never try this Variable.
I just check the Lists and found it.

Often some Vars not work for every aircraft.... Maybe this is a no longer working relict of the past.
Good Luck !
2022-01-30 18:24
Posts: 44
Maybe that's the case. Then I will try the other way where I think I need some instructions. How to assign 66C0 so its value is not changed in a session ?
I've tried through a MyVar by setting this to "1" with a switch input. Then switch to "0"and the var should be saved and intact ? Tried if( MyVar=1,set 66C0 to TotalFuel,0 ) like this ; if(M=1,T,0) and variants around. This is obviously not the right way. I cant find out the "set" function.

2022-01-30 19:24
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
I not fully understand.....

Basically you will not STOP Mobiflight within a seasson . ( You start it before a flight and you stop it after you land and you will close the sim )
So its no disadvantage to use Mobiflight Vars.

Lets make it more easy.... We could figure this out via a Discord Voice Call.... Thats the most comfortable way....

If you prefer the Forum....
Please tell me exactly WHAT you like to do.... e.g. you will press a Button at Startup of the plane and you like a 7Seg Display that show a Number like "liters fuel burned".
Do you need something like a "Reset to 0" function ?

In easy words... I need to know what you expect to do.... Then i can tell you my thoughts how you should do this best way !
Good Luck !
2022-01-30 19:30
Posts: 44
When I start Msfs and MF I want to have the ability to Push/Switch a button so the var is set to the actual total fuel, independedly what it is, 50 % or full tank. From there I want to see the fuel consuption in a LCD/LED. So the" saved" TotalfuelVar must be same the whole session so it possible to calculate from, ( saved TotalFuel- actual TotalFuel.) gives you fuel consumption. Does this approach make sens ?

2022-01-30 19:52
Posts: 44
Found on FsDevelopers site this answer ; "You need to provide an index to the engine you want info on "GENERAL ENG FUEL USED SINCE START:1". Will test tomorrow.
Though it still would be interesting to have some knowledge how to set the 66C0.

2022-01-30 20:27
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
This work....
Whatever with 66C0 or with a Mobiflight Variable.
The advantage of MF Var is to reduce Traffic in case it make basically (today) no longer sense to make a all time "ask FSUIPC how 66C0 is currently" request multiple times per second if we can also Store this data in MF itself.

1. Create a OUTPUT Config, that read the current Overall Fuel. ( All tanks together) . Pretty sure available in FS2020 Call it e.g. "Fuel Live"

2. Create a Button Input ( For your Fake button to controll that Function)
Use here a Config Refference/Placeholder Entry and choose there for the Config from Point1 "Fuel Live" We use as refference symbol eg "a"
We use the On Press Tab!
As Target we use a MF Variable lets call that Var "FuelSave" ( Or FSUIPC Offset Adress 66C0 1 Byte if you like to go the other way)
In the VALUE we simply say ... a ...
Means if we Press our Button then we send the value of "a" ( So the current Value of Config "Fuel Live") one time to that Variable ( Or Offset)

3. We Create another OUTPUT Config, that read our Variable ( Or Offset) to use it in our Final Display Config.... Lets Call this Config "Fuel Memory"
In this Config we again add a Config Refference and use now the Config "FuelLive" like before and use symbol "a" again
And NOW we simply make a Transform Formula and say $-a
Means we calculate "$" (The Stored Fuel when we have press button already) and sub "a" ( the current Fuel in the tanks) from it.
E.g. Fuel at Beginn 1000 ( stored by Button Press) ..... Fuel Now 300 .... 1000-300=700 .... So Display show "700" as burned fuel.

Maybe some "cosmetical" rework is needed....
E.g. at Startup the Var or Offset is "0".
Lets say we have 1000l in the tank .... Without Press the Button this occure in 0-1000 = MINUS- 1000
So we could say in the formula instad of "$-a" simply if($-a<0,0,$-a)
IF Stored Fuel minus current Fuel result in a negative Value (funtion not set) show "0" instead. Else (so we still press the button) show current burned fuel !
For sure you could also remain the $-a , and do the cosmetical check in the "Compare" Tab.... Usefull for a LCD Display.
You could say there e.g. If Value less <0 Then "OFF" Else $
Then your LCD will show the word "OFF" aslong you not "armed" the Logic by your button Press !

I hope you understand the Idea.
Ask if you need further help, or Join Discord !
[Last edited by pizman82, 2022-01-30 20:59]
Good Luck !
2022-01-30 20:52
Posts: 44
Hi !

Both versions of fuel consuption works now !! The MF-variant is more elegant because you can set it to zero anytime. I used a MFvar, not Fsuipc.
Thank you for your effort and patience !

Cheers, Peter
2022-01-31 14:44
From: yalova, Turkey
Posts: 6
I have FSX,ifly
My problem is to bring annunciator texts on the lcd display.How can I view errors on the master swıtch caution screen in text form.(example:fuel,electric.etc)
I read a lot but I can not find. What is offset and other setting?
I will be glad if you help me.
2022-09-09 12:07
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Like i said in other Topic.... Please not reopen old Threads .... Specialy if they are not related to your problem!
Open a new one next time !
And awnser is already in the other request !
Good Luck !
2022-09-11 01:33