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Posts: 8
Hi can you explain how to use vjoy because i used fsuipc 7 and the log console to see the event id but for example to start the apu in FS2020 in the A320nx from FBW i dont see any in the console so basically, my problem its where i have to search and find all the commands o offsets or events to build an overhead, FCU etc
2021-02-13 13:00
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

You mixup 2 systems now.

VJOY is a self running Programm that create "Virtual Joysticks".
You download and install this tool . ( Not included in Mobiflight you must download it from there Homepage)
Then in the Options Menue of Vjoy you can create one or multiple Joysticks.
Windows "think" these Joysticks are realy exist and see them like a real Joystick connected to a USB Port.
And Sure these Joysticks now can be used in any games... Also in the FS2020 Keybinding/Controll Menu .

Now in Mobiflight you got the "VJOY" Typ as a Input Option.
This means if you press a Key it will not execute a Offsetwrite or Event..... It will now send a command to VJOY and result in a PRESS or a RELEASE of a Virtual Joystick Button.
( After you create a Joystick in Vjoy Mobiflight will se this and offert you in the Dropdown this Keys as devices)

Finaly you must set the needed Functions in FS2020 to the Buttons..... E.g. you say in the controll Menu that the LightSwitchON should be controlled by Joystick X Button Y .

In easy words... Mega detect a Button Press.... Send it to MF .... MF send a Request to VJOY.... VJOY recive and simulate a Button Press on the Virtual Jostick .... And FS2020 see this button press and execute the funtion.

So.... with this logic you not need to know any events or Offsets.... You just simmulate a Joystickbutton and bind it in the Official FS2020 Controll menue. ( Like with a real Joy Button)
Good Luck !
2021-02-13 16:16
Posts: 8
okey but for example, to start the APU in the control menu theren't any option A320nx)
2021-02-13 23:01
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
What Controll Menu ??

If you mean there is no "Controll/Key" Opition in the Sim ( or in the FBW Options) to bind a Joystickbutton to this virtual Switch then your main request make no sense.
Why do you ask for a Vjoy System if there is no posibility to use this button in the sim ??

If you talk about the FSUIPC Internal System. Here Vjoy is also not verry usefull.... Cause if there is a Way to controll this switch via FSUIPC then it can be done directly with Mobiflight. No need of a Bypass that simulate a Buttonpress and then use this Press in FSUIPC to fire a Event or Offsetwrite. Simply do the Input in Mobiflight directly.


I think your problem is.... You need the new Somconnect Tool..... In case a lot of features are not included in FSUIPC till now.... And maybe AddOn Specific Things are also not offert for a Jocstick Controll in FS2020.

Check the Videos on Youtube :
Specialy the newest "Tutorial for FS2020 Simconnect Custom Event"
Good Luck !
2021-02-16 06:42
Posts: 58

Hi my friend,

For Fslab I used the FSlab's http data output and wrote them to a free offset via luas. To do this you should know lua language very well. However we are still lack of some other outputs like TRK FPA VS for FSlab...
2021-02-21 10:54
Posts: 6


Hi my friend,

For Fslab I used the FSlab's http data output and wrote them to a free offset via luas. To do this you should know lua language very well. However we are still lack of some other outputs like TRK FPA VS for FSlab...


You are the one I am looking for :) :)

I have just built my fcu but I couldnt manage to set everything like displays/ efis mode selectors etc. I need your assist :)
2021-04-07 09:19
Posts: 58
Hello my friend...
For efis I don't have any idea since I only buit an FCU...
For displays I got the data from http link for remote fcu for fslab and write it to a free offset via luas. However if you don't know lua language very well, it is not very easy to manage this.
2021-04-07 09:45
Posts: 1

I am creating FCU which will work with FSLabs A320 and i can`t understand where can i get offset and mask for alt, hdg, spd, v/s and all lights indicator.
Buttons and encoders work correct but i don`t understand where to find data for 7-segment indicators and lights.

Can anyone write offset and mask for FSUIPC?
2021-06-01 20:44
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

As written above.... the FLS Airbus NOT give the data on Offsets itself... You need to use a own written "script" to transfer the data from Lvars to FSUIPC Offsets.

Bitmask is no factor here !
Good Luck !
2021-06-01 23:32
Posts: 10


Hi my friend,

For Fslab I used the FSlab's http data output and wrote them to a free offset via luas. To do this you should know lua language very well. However we are still lack of some other outputs like TRK FPA VS for FSlab...

Hello @bennozqurum,

May i know how do you export those FSLAB 7-segment value to HTTP data output? I cant find the function.
2021-08-24 18:25
Posts: 1
bennnozgurum !

I can't see, which extender you are using.. How can I setup that ? thx.:w00t:
2021-10-17 22:05
From: EAST PERTH, Australia
Posts: 5


Hi my friend,

For Fslab I used the FSlab's http data output and wrote them to a free offset via luas. To do this you should know lua language very well. However we are still lack of some other outputs like TRK FPA VS for FSlab...

Hi mate, where I can find the http data output? I would like to find them for the pedestal. Working well with the inputs, but looking for pedestal outputs.
2022-07-24 02:20
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