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From: Napier, New Zealand
Posts: 30
I have assembled a DIY GNS530 to be installed in my Beech Baron D55 simulator that is running P3Dv5.2.
Wiring is completed with the Mega2560 installed and Mobiflight has detected it as a module.
I have carefully assigned all the buttons and encoders to their correct pin numbers in Extras/Settings/MobiFlight Modules so now I am ready to configure all these in the “Connector” window.
I have entered a description for one of the buttons “MSG Btn”. Now when I click on the Edit button the ConfigWizard opens at the Sim Variable Tab. I select the FSUIPC option and when I scroll through the Preset list, I can’t see anything there relating to a GPS in any way at all.
What should I do now?
D J Wilkinson
2022-05-22 12:24
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

What should I do now?

At first i recommend for next time.... Think and test before start building.
We can not controll everything.... Only elements the Sim/AddOn allow us to controll.
So its important to try out BEFORE build the panle if the needed Inputs and Outputs are available !

About your problem.

At first i would check the EventID.
Inputs in the older Sims ( P3D) are done mostly by Events. Check that list. There are a lot of GPS Events there.
But i not know if your Sim GNS530 is original Stock P3D ( so work with that Events) if it is a addon maybe you get in trouble.
Good Luck !
2022-05-22 15:02
From: Napier, New Zealand
Posts: 30
Hi pizman82
I accept your admonition and acknowledge that I am a reckless adventurer. :)
Good learning opportunities come from mistakes.

My GPS is a chassis built around a little screen that displays the stock GPS window of the Baron. This chassis carries the buttons etc that are placed around the screen to look like the one in the GPS window. So its not an addon so much as a "button-box".

Unless you mean that the Coronado Baron is an addon. In which case the inputs and outputs are restricted to whatever events are made available in their model.
Searching through the various forums I came across some interesting posts which led me to believe that by using a Macro file with a program called FSUIPC you can operate commands not normally available through the standard Sim.
Am I right in assuming that this would be a 3 strep process?
1. I make a macro file then put it into the P3D “Modules” folder.
2. Assign a key in FSUIPC to that macro and
3. Use that key in Mobiflight.
To do this I went to the P3D root directory and opened the “Modules” folder expecting to find a folder called 'Example LUA Plugins'. It wasn’t there. So, I found it somewhere else and put it there. From within that I found the macro called 'log lvars.lua' and copied it in to the Modules folder. This I thought, would make it visible to FSUIPC and therefore, usable.
Next, I started up P3D in windows mode and started a flight, then opened FSUIPC to set a key for each of these two commands in the control list:
• 'Lua log LVars' and
• ‘LuaKillAll’
'Lua log LVars' was not in the list although the second one was.
At that point I was out of ideas.
So, you can see; I have tried hard.
Perhaps I should try reinstalling the Lua plugin?
Your comment and guidance would be appreciated.

[Last edited by djw4250, 2022-05-23 01:03]
D J Wilkinson
2022-05-22 22:57
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi again!

Please not misunderstand this !

AddOns often work verry different/ individual..... But not always.
There exsit expensive AddOns that will use 80%+ Standard Events. And there are Freeware AddOns who use nearly 100% own logics.

Often there is a hybride..... So AddOns use own Events/Offsets BUT just for there Animation. Means the Event controll e.g. the virtual Cockpit Switch AND same time it also use the standard Event to emulate a function.
In that case if we use the standard Events e.g. the Heading inc/dec correctly.... Just the Virtual Knob is not moving visible. But if we build e.g. the Garmin then we not care about if the virtual Heading Selector shows a turn..... the only important fact for us is if Heading for AP change.

In easy words.... If you explore a thing.... Always start with Stock Inputs. The Heading on the Garmin is logical also the same Heading as in a stock.

So always try out at first the stock stuff. If it work.... No longer care about it.

For sure. Some AddOns maybe have systems that are not available in Basic Sim. HERE you need to know there Events / Lvars and so on to build a provisional "interface" to Mobiflight !
Good Luck !
2022-05-23 00:59
From: Napier, New Zealand
Posts: 30
Hi again.
I looks like we were both typing at the same time and our messages got posted almost simultaneously.
I understand what you said there.
Still, I would be interested in seeing your response to my last message.
D J Wilkinson
2022-05-23 01:08
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
You edit your last posting while i send a new reply. So i could not see it.


The Lua Macro Stuff ( and more advanced Lua Scripts)
are used if a AddOn Aircraft use systems that are not provided by FSUIPC Stock Logic.

FSUIPC is nothing "new". Mobiflight use FSUIPC all the time in FSX and P3D. We not talk to the Sim itself.... We always talk to FSUIPC (except FS2020)

So the difference.... if we use a Offset or a EventID ( from Stock table) we send it via FSUIPC to the Sim ( or receive Data from it)
If we use those Macros or Lua Scripts, then we controll Elements in Sim that have now own Offsets/Events.

But the basic statement is still correct..... Not go this difficult way if Standard Systems still do what you need. Always try them first.
And only if those not work you need to think about LUA.
Good Luck !
2022-05-23 01:32
From: Napier, New Zealand
Posts: 30
Thank you pizman82.
All that is taken on board and will be my guidelines.
Kind regards.
D J Wilkinson
2022-05-23 07:59