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Posts: 10
Hi All, recently I upgraded to Windows 11, had keyboard issues, formatted my drive and reloaded Windows 10 again. I am busy building my flight sim up again and have reloaded P3dv5.3 and PMDG737 but I am struggling to get my Mobiflight 2560 up and running. I have loaded the Arduino IDE drivers, FSUIPC, and Mobiflight Connector. When I run Mobiflight Connector it opens with the opening page showing unpopulated Mappings (Output and Input) where you can double-click the row to add a new config. There are no entries and if I click on “run” the “Modules” and the “Sim Status” are ticked green and I get “running” with dots moving along the bottom. It appears everything is working but it is using the unpopulated empty mappings. When I go to settings and select “Mobiflight Modules” it shows my configured module and when I click on the plus sign the complete tree with all my programmed functions are there. Please can someone tell me how I can get my programmed module to run again? I am sure it is something quite simple that I am missing, it is so long since I set everything up and I really don’t want to wipe anything out! Many thanks in advance!
2022-05-15 22:45
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
i fully not understand your problem.

Simply split.... does MF what you expect ?

Simpyl test it with a STOCK aircraft.
Does the "Parking brake" Test work in the standard Mooney Bravo ?

If yes you maybe forget to "enable data broadcast" in the PMDG Ini File.

If not go further.

Does MF Logging show correctly Button Press/Release ?

We can not see your system. So you need to tell us much much more inforamtaions as you did.
Good Luck !
2022-05-16 00:29
Posts: 10
Hi Pizman, thanks for such a quick reply! My whole Mobiflight setup worked perfectly before I had to format my drive, all wiring, connections, etc are unchanged and as far as I can see the existing setup is still on the Arduino board. PMDG has the enable data broadcast in the .ini file. I have attached pictures, both the opening screen and the settings page to see if this helps at all. I also have the following Mobiflight backups - Mobiflight Mega.mfmc and Mobiflight MIP.mfmc and Mobiflight Connector.mcc if they can be used in any way? I'm hoping that I've just missed something obvious! If this info doesn't assist then I will in the meantime try to do the tests you suggest. I really appreciate your help.

[Last edited by Wardie, 2022-05-16 13:13]
2022-05-16 11:13
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
The Settings on the Board ( Where you define the Devices e.g. like Gear Green 1 is a LED and on Pin XY) remain. They are on the Mega itself and are not involved of your System Cleaning.

Your Mobiflight screenshot show me a Empty Config..... Logical. After you delete everything and install MF for new there can be no config already loaded.


I also have the following Mobiflight backups - Mobiflight Mega.mfmc and Mobiflight MIP.mfmc and Mobiflight Connector.mcc

Here i can not see the data from that files.... You named them yourself. So it can be everything :-)

Basically..... Files called *.mfmc are Board Backups.
I expect you create them after you upload your devices.
Means these file include the Settings from Picture 1.
Only needed if you change e.g. the Mega or if there is a issue and you must flash firmware for new.
Good to have but not your solution for now.

What you need is the *.mcc File where you build your Config that work for you.
The only mcc file you tell me is "Mobiflgiht Connector.mcc"
So hopefully you called your Project that way and it include yur old settings.

Open Mobiflight.... Click on FILE ---> OPEN ----> and choose this mcc file.

If your lucky thats the backup of your Project.
Good Luck !
2022-05-16 14:08
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Please Confirm this is the newest Version of MF !!!!

Your screenshot show me no Version Tag.... No Offline Mode Symbol and so on. No HubHop Link

Looks like you use a verry old ( more then 1-2 Years) outdated Version !

I high recommend to Download the newest MF and use it !
Good Luck !
2022-05-16 14:11
Posts: 10
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I opened MobiFlight, clicked on open, loaded my mcc file and it is all up and running again! You are a star Pizman, you are always so quick to reply and always so patient and eager to assist! It is fantastic to have someone like you in our hobby! Thank you again! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
2022-05-16 15:24