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Posts: 2
Hi all,

I am going crazy with servo control.
I have the module configures in my board, pin 18.
I am running fs2020, and using preset FLAPS HANDLE INDEX.
In mobiflight main screen I can see the value from flight sim going from 0 to 3 (cessna 172).

I have two output lines... in the first one I have it set to compare to 0 and then in the display I have it set to output to the servo
min: 0
max: 255
max rotation: 1

in my secound outout line evertything is the same execep I compare to 3 and max rotation 100.

nothing moves in the servo BUT

when I stop mobiflight with the stop button in the main page and I test the servo movements with the test button in the display tab in each output line, my servo moves as expected.

Can you please help ??

2022-04-27 19:00
Posts: 2
Ok, I can now reply myself... I needed to set the servo max value to 3.
Thanks anyway
2022-04-27 20:44
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

I think you missunderstand the basic idea here.

Why do you have 2 Config Lines ?
One system .... One Config in that case.
The Config read the Data.... the Motor show it.

And by the way.... Its not really usefull to show the "Handle Position" with the Servo. We like to show the "Flaps Position" So the status of the virtual Flaps on the Wings.... Not the position of the Flaps Handle in the Cockpit !
Good Luck !
2022-04-27 20:52