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Posts: 4
I am working with a daisy chain og three 7-segment displays, but after upgraiding to the lates MobiFlight realese, all the configs for the third display in th chain is reset to the first display and I have to redefine the "Addr/Connector "- value for the "Display settings". But to be able to get do this, I also have to select the "Display Mudule" agian because there are just 2 dispalys available even if the daisy chain is defined with 3 devises in the settings.
Is ther a fix for this?

Thanks! :-)
2022-04-08 15:47
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

This is a kow bug basically.... Or better just a part of it.

Meanwhile we get no reports, that a existing config loose the settings.... So this is new and maybe just bad luck in your case. Normaly this workes fine for other users!
The missing Display Devices ( Max in a chain) is a BUG we explore in the new version of MF.

If you create a new Config ALL Devices ( e.g. 5 in a 5 Chip chain) are vissible.
If you choose for e.g. Display 3 then from this point only Display 1-3 is shown in the list ( whatever 4 and 5 are still there)
Thats a GUI Issue ..... We try to fix with a little hotfix or latest within the next Release or Beta Version.

Solution: (Temporary until problem is fixed)
As explaned above.... A New Config not have this behaviour .... So maybe you need invest some time to set the used Offset and data again.... ( Make a screenshot to remember it easy) ..... Simply create a new Output Config line.... make your settings ( now with all Displays available) and then delete the old unless line.

I know this is not perfect.... But your the first who have this problem without own fault. All other have selected the wrong display themself.
So Sorry for your problems.... Please use improvisional workflow and await for a Hotfix !
Good Luck !
2022-04-09 01:27
Posts: 4
Thank you very much for your quick reply!
2022-04-09 20:01
Posts: 4
I have now deleted all 9 configs regarding the third 7-segment-display in the daisy chain. But when i try to edit the newly created configs later, every time the chain number is reset from 3 to one. So it is guite cumbersome to work with this. I hope you find a soulution soon.
Beside from this bug, MobiFlight is a fantastic software.

Thank you!
2022-04-12 15:03
Posts: 4
This problem is no solved by upgrading to MobiFlight 9.4.0
2022-06-04 15:36