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Posts: 52
I know this is not a question relating to MF but maybe someone might have an answer as the FSX forums did not provide clear solutions.

I have FSX install on my i5 K2500 pc, 8gig mem, SSD. Video card is a Radeon.

FSX is freezing in mid flight for up to 5 minutes then presume. This happens about 3 times during flight. Every time FSC freeze, MF disconnect and reconnect when FSX comes out of freezing. This I understand as FSX does not respond to the MF connection.

The only 3rd party programmes installed are MF, FSUIPC (registered) and GSX (registered)
2022-03-13 13:07
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Is your FSX "tweaked" ???

The Base FSX Version is technical no longer compatible to modern Computers. We talk about Software from the early 2000's . Those Software is not be able to see multiple Processor Cores and also can normaly not Handle RAM greater then 4 GB.

There exist a lot of Stuff and premande Programmes that solve some of this problems. Called "tweak"
Also there are guides to setup windows a little better ( e.g. compatibility mode) .

Let me say.... FSX is simply a Sim that should be rest in peace. It´s time is over ! Only running well if you also have a computer of that periode of time.
OR When you tweak it correctly !

For sure. You not need to invest a lot of money and a new computer for FS2020. But why not tryout a trial Version of P3D ???
Thats still on the FSX Level.... But much more straight forward from technical side.
Good Luck !
2022-03-13 15:27
Posts: 52
I looked at P3D, it has a monthly fee, so in the long run more expensive. GSX also is not totally compatible with P3D.
[Last edited by JohanKotze, 2022-03-13 19:27]
2022-03-13 16:32