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Posts: 4
I have been working through adding a pair of throttles on my museum's sims to connect to Xplane 11. I have the Arduino Mega connected, a pot attached to A0 and am using the hubhop configurator to make it all work. It does and debugs fine. I then connected mobiflight to my xplane 11 install and that's where it all seems to have gone wrong.... In Mobiflight I have a green sim status with X-Plane detected and XPUIPC status green. So the pots connected to mobiflight properly, my debug reads
"executing Change: Throttle1@SN-b44-4c5
Executing Change: Throttle1 (CHANGE=>1023)@SN-b44-4c5"
And Mobiflight is connected to Xplane, as shown by green ticks.... and yet nothing is happening in sim to the throttle. What am I missing? Is there supposed to be a joystick to assign the input to in xplanes settings? I unplugged my yoke to stop a clash on the throttle mappings and nothing shows in joysticks.
2022-02-09 18:25
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Mobifight Potis are NOT Joysticks.

So you can not expect to have a "Joystick" you can assign within the Sim!
For this you need to build a HID Controller ( e.g. with a Arduino Leonardo) or you use a preamde Controller like a LeoBodnar.

Potis (within Mobiflight) are just INPUT Devices.... Means you can use the Poti to controll a System via Mobiflight !

In your case.... You could try to write the Xplane (XPUIPC) Offset of the virtual Throttle Lever Position.
That would be possible !

Whatever i still recommend to hanlde Controll Axis via HID Controllers. Our Mobiflight System is fine for e.g. a Volume Knob or a Brightness Selector. But in case of missing calibration feature and the verry easy logic its not the first choice for Axis like Throttle, Yoke or Pedals.
Good Luck !
2022-02-09 18:31
Posts: 4
Hi Thanks

In the inputConfigWizard I do not seem to have an option for the XPUIPC offset just a FSUIPC - Offset. I presume these are the same. However in here I do not seem to have an option for Throttle Lever Position.

I watched this youtube video and figured it would also work in Xplane. If not its more expense for another Leo Bodnar board. Previous person bought 2 but without the analogue inputs :/
2022-02-09 18:50
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
It will also work for Xplane....

The only difference to this Video is.... Xplane NOT support the RPN Code Thats the new world we enter with FS2020.....
FSX,P3D and also Xplane are based on FSUIPC.... So this "HubHop Generating tool" and also the way to just copy paste "Code" is not working here.

To awnser your first question.... YES. FSUIPC means the basic "old" system of Mobilfight.... Related to FSUIPC in FSX and P3D
In Xplane the system is called "XPUIPC" but technical its the same !...... So In Mobiflight all "Offset" Stuff is related to both.... FSUIPC and XPUIPC same way !


Technical you must build the CODE from the video by hand!

Your Poti gives a Value of 0-1023 ..... It can have e.g. death zones ( Not realy important.... so i not talk about. But techical you could include this factors like the "starting at 13 instead of 0" from the video also in your code)

The SIM Offset is working different.... E.g. for Xplane pretty sure it´s....

088C 2 Engine 1 Throttle lever, –4096 to +16384

In that offset mostly the Negative Area is for the reversed Thrust!
So we can say... "0" means Idle .... and 16384 means "Full Throttle"

Now convert 1024 ot 16383 .... Its simply *16 !!!

If you say in your INPUT Config.... Please write Offset 088C and use the Poti Value "@" and multiply it by 16 to change 0-1024 into 0-16383 ....: then it work !
So correct Input Value would be @*16

To define Deadzones for example we need to calculate the real area... So 13 e.g. represent "0" .
Without that calculation your throttle in Zero Position with that deadzone would set Thrust to maybe 1% instead of IDLE.

YES it workes...
YES... You need to write some formulas instead of simply compy paste RPN Code like in FS2020.
And still YES.... If you use a Joystick Controller ( with its calibrating tools) this is much more comfortable as using Mobiflight !
BUT.... YES it workes !
[Last edited by pizman82, 2022-02-10 00:09]
Good Luck !
2022-02-10 00:02
Posts: 4
I am now trying this config but still nothing? Debug down the bottom in mobiflight seems to suggest the poti is working fine though,
2022-02-10 14:07
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Join Discord and call me there.... Then we can check this via Live Shared Screen.
When i´m not online.... ask a other user. Lots of advanced guys are there !
Good Luck !
2022-02-10 17:32