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Posts: 10
It would be great to integrate the garmin 750.
2021-05-31 01:52
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
What do you expect ?
I got not much experience with these Garmins..... But if it´s a part of the Sim ( Means exisiting in one of the Aircrafts there) Then simply work with it and use Mobiflight to do this.

So whats the exact Problem ?
Good Luck !
2021-05-31 07:00
Posts: 3
I second this as the GTN750 is one of the top 5 mods ever. But Pizzaman is right (J/K with name).

The pms50 GTN750 mod is a 3rd party app with its own events. You can't even operate it with ingame keybord commands as it only responds to mouse clicks. It going to need the developer's assistance to get this to work with mobiflight. I wouldn't mind a map zoom in and out with an encoder but if you cant even assign keyboard commands to it, you can't expect mobiflight to be able to control it. But most of all, the GTN750 is easier operated with a mouse (touch screen in real life) and one of the reasons it was developed was to minimize the need to use a rotary knob. But it would be nice to have a Home Button, MAP, and Flight Plan button for my panel.

So Brownski, do you know what the keyboard commands are to control any of the GTN750 or how to find them ? I tried last night to no avail and I'll keep trying. I wouldn't mind programing it to the Stream Deck somehow.
[Last edited by MSFLYER, 2021-12-12 14:13]
2021-12-12 14:05
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
To be more specific.....

Keyboard Comands are a way.... But as i know Asobo (FS2020) still use there a own system and MF can not share Keyboard Inputs ( instead to every other Sim where we can do this since years).


Its no mater if this is a Stock Software or a 3rd Party AddOn.... Every part in the Sim must talk to the sim via it´s internal interface..... And MF can read a lot of that Data.
So solution is the same like with a Gear lever of a stock aircraft.....
Open the DEV Mode. Go to "Model Behavour" and find out what "events" and "variables" are used by the G750 Virtual Buttons.
If these Events/Vars are one of the "useable" Formats we can currently work with then MF can handle it.
If they use the restricted typs then we must wait until Asobo give us more access to the API ( or if a user find a way to hack the data by himself).
Good Luck !
2021-12-15 18:28
Posts: 3
I have to be honest with you. I tried this. And got a big screen full of tiny text that needs scrolling. When I click on a button etc in the cockpit, I may notice a blip here or there but nothing stands out as the event that I activated.

Even if dsicover the event, I would not know how to incorperate the event into my Mobiflight Configuration without using the drop down box.

Are there any tutorials in programming events.

I would love to learn this myself.

[Last edited by MSFLYER, 2021-12-21 20:14]
2021-12-21 17:09
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
There is a basic tutorial...... But it is based on a older version of the FS2020 SDK..... And it also explane the "old" Mobiflight logic where you enter the new stuff in a TXT File (instead of upload them on HubHop)

So you can use THIS.....
But it is not 100% UpToDate !
Use the basic idea.... But not make it 1:1 and already use the "new" way.
Good Luck !
2021-12-22 00:16