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Posts: 4
Good afternoon.

Who managed to use a 5-digit display for cockpit, I know there is one with 8 digits, but I would like to use one with only 5, does anyone know of a display that is compatible with mobiflight
2021-12-06 16:08
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi endrigow,

there is every 5-digit display possible with common cathode. The driver-IC is the MAX7219 - other drivers are not possible.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2021-12-06 18:23
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
To make it a little more detailed.....

the Max TUBES you talk about are like this....

This is not the "Display" we talk about..... this is just a "premade" Element. 99% with 8 Diggits by 2x4 Blocks)

Basically MF is compatible with the MAX7219 IC .... The little Chip that is also used on that Tubes!
And this chip support 1-8 Diggits. So THIS is not a Max7219.... this is just a Premade Element that use the Max7219!

So your right.... there exist no "premade" tube for only 5 Diggits.....
But your be able to buy a nice 5 Diggit Display (Common Cathode) and wire it yourself to a IC or to a Tube where you romove the 2x4 Displays and simply wire the 1x5 on it.

Pro Users work with the IC´s itself on self created PCB´s ..... Beginners simply buys "Tubes" with removeable Diggits.... So they can wire the needed Displays in a easy way, without mount the IC themself.
Like This....

Come to our DISCORD [url[/url]
There are many users with ideas and PCB Projects you pretty sure be interested !
Good Luck !
2021-12-07 01:26
Posts: 4
Thanks so much everyone for the tip, so I can just take the 8-digit display and just put 4 in right? or better to put 5 digits in it?
2021-12-09 01:40
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Basically 3 easy options....

Way 1. Use a 8 Diggit Premade and mount it behind the Panel..... If it is no Problem that the 4 unused Diggits are there ( E.g. 2 on the right and 2 on the left) then use it as it is. For sure only possible if design of Panel allow to mount this.... So NOT possible if e.g. next to the Display there is a Encoder so you have no space for cover the remaining display.

Way 2. For a 4 Diggit Display..... Simply Remove one of the 2 4 Dig Blocks and "wire" it to the point you need.

Way 3. For a 5 Diggit Display the key is you need "both" Ports on that Tubes.... Cause each port include 4 Diggits.... Means you need e.g. 4 Ports from one side and 1 port from the other.

And for sure.... With own PCB and using the Chips ( no longer the tubes) much more is possible.
In easy words.... with Max7219 and MF you can build every Display (7Seg) that is ever needed in all aircrafts !
Good Luck !
2021-12-09 19:21