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From: Ireland
Posts: 11

I want to make a transponder for MSFS using a mega and mobiflight. Ive got some max7219 7 segment displays, ive got a 4 digit 7 segment display (came with arduino kit with bare pins, chip is seperate but i have it also) and i have a LCD 1602 module. Ive also got plenty buttons and rotary encoders i could use to input the digits.

Any suggestions on whats the best way to set one up?

Thank you
2021-01-20 13:06
From: LFEN, France
Posts: 29
i just finnish and share my project -> KT76C
if you want to use another controller just design the support
You can find mobiflight config files, it can help you if you want to build your own transponder.
[Last edited by krok, 2021-01-20 18:52]
2021-01-20 18:23
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Cool Project.

I try to build this for the old P3D/FSX Systems.... But i get in real trouble and not find a soluton on the first attempt.

I see you use for the 0-7 Buttons the new "FS2020 Simconnect Events"
Cool they provide this feature. In the old Systems only INC/DEC 1, 10, 100, 1000 was possible as Event. Not Numbers.

So i was try to handle all the Number Inputs via a special Custom Offset Input logic and bitwise writes on the BCD Offsets. And that was not realy working for me.
Good Luck !
2021-01-21 04:34
From: Salerno, Italy
Posts: 88

i just finnish and share my project -> KT76C
if you want to use another controller just design the support
You can find mobiflight config files, it can help you if you want to build your own transponder.

Wow interesting!

Can you share event or offsets binded with numbers buttons?
2021-01-21 09:33
From: Salerno, Italy
Posts: 88
Oh i found mf config..

So you use

type="MSFS2020EventIdInputAction" eventId="Transponder3"

Are this events from last MF beta?
2021-01-21 09:36
From: LFEN, France
Posts: 29
Yes the mobiflight config on github is for the last beta and MSFS2020.
The transponder project is customizable because you can use the controller what you want, and other software if you want.
2021-01-27 20:02
Posts: 18
Hi, can you confirm that the mobiflight config works with any of the A320 (default or flybywire) as well? I am currently trying to get it runing but none of the TransponderX events seem to work for me.

Moreover, the 7 segment display only shows the right code after I entered it _completely_. But I would like to see every change on the code being displayed on my 7 segment display.
[Last edited by tobby, 2021-11-22 09:26]
2021-11-22 09:21
Posts: 18
Ok, I found a way to use the numpad of the a320 atc panel: A custom event.

<config guid="dbe8023c-920d-401b-8039-a5afd1a06b5c">
      <description>Pedastal - ATC - Transponder 1</description>
      <settings msdata:InstanceType="MobiFlight.InputConfigItem, MFConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" serial="Pedastal 1/ SN-2ca-972" name="AtcXpndr1" type="Button" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
          <onPress type="MSFS2020CustomInputAction" command=" (>H:A320_Neo_ATC_BTN_1) 
" />
          <onRelease />
        <preconditions />

Now I only have to find out how to change the 7 segment display while in edit mode so to say.
2021-11-22 10:36
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Your Problem is.... You read the Sim Transponder Value.....

Like in a real Aircraft and all other realistic Sim Aircrafts..... the Real Transponder Code is not gonna be changed when you turn in a new Value....
If you set e.g. 1234 and on Display there is shown just 12 while enter it.... Then the ATC in the Control Center not see "12" he just see the "old" Value.
Means the Value while in progress of enter a new Code is just "virtual" within the Transponder Box..... After finish the entry by set the 4th diggit (or by a OK Button in some transponders) THEN this prebuild value gets transmitted ( in your case it get writte to the Sim Transponder Variable)

You would need a "Var" that represent NOT the Sim Transponder Value..... You need the Var that represent the showed Value in the A320 Display of the Virtual Cockpit.

I donĀ“t know if this is available..... Simply use the Dev Mode..... Search for Transponder/Xpdr .... And observe all available Variables....
then make a Entry of just 2 Diggits..... The one that act here is the correct one!

If your lucky there is a data! If not this is a internal stuff ( like in the PMDG in FSX/P3D)
Thats not the End!
In that case you can think about build a "selfmade" System..... So you not longer use the virtual Buttons and the Virtual Display.
You would build a MF Config that have own Input Buttons and have a own MF Variable to build the Code .... And to send the Code automaticly to The Sim after finished the entry!
Difficult but possible !
Good Luck !
2021-11-22 11:46
Posts: 14


i just finnish and share my project -> KT76C
if you want to use another controller just design the support
You can find mobiflight config files, it can help you if you want to build your own transponder.

Wow interesting!

Hello, i am a fsx user is there any way to get this project work on fsx please?

2022-05-15 15:04