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Posts: 3
I'm using the Fly By Wire\A320-dev\Autopilot group to progam my homemade FCU panel for the FBW A32NX. Every action WORKS PERFECTLY except for one:

A32NX_FCU_SPD_PULL (putting the speed knob into selected mode).

The problem is that this event shows up with a typo in the dropdown. If you look carefully, It shows up as "A32NX_FCU_SPD_PULL_ " (with a _ at the end, followed by a bunch of space). Based on the other events, the correct name should be "A32NX_FCU_SPD_PULL" (like A32NX_FCU_HDG_PULL)

If I select "A32NX_FCU_SPD_PULL_ ", Mobiflight will work fine for that session (i.e. I can change the speed into selected mode by pulling the speed knob on my FCU panel). However, when I quit Mobiflight and relaunch it, the rule that uses this event will be broken. When you edit the rule, you'll notice that the group (used to be Fly By Wire\A320-dev\Autopilot) is now blank. That means I have to recreate the rule before each session.

FYI: Fly By Wire\A320\Autopilot\A320_Neo_FBW_SPD_PULL does not work (at least with my dev build of FBW), so I have to use the Fly By Wire\A320-dev\Autopilot group.

Is that something I can fix myself or do I need to wait until there is a new "event" list version from Mobiflight?

2021-10-03 18:45
Posts: 1
yes, it's true. I have same problems with A32NX_FCU_SPD_PULL . I try a lot of diferents options, but nothing runs. At this moment my homecockpit project is stopped waiting for a solution and thinking how solve it by best way. I think maybe we need best luck and help
2021-10-18 15:31
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi guys,

didn't you hear about HubHop?

HubHop is the event database of MobiFlight

Just hop to

and look if your events are recorded.

For A320_Neo_FCU_SPEED_PULL the code is (>H:A320_Neo_FCU_SPEED_PULL). Tested on FBW A320 stable 0.7.0.

You do not have an account, just click on "Viev contributions" and set the filters "FlyByWire", "A320", "Autopilot", Input", FCU_SPEED" and enjoy ;)
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2021-10-18 16:23