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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

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From: Ankara, Turkey
Posts: 18

I apologize if this topic has been covered before. I couldn't find it on the forum.

I have HW-040 rotary encoders. As far as i can detect they have 30 detent and 15 pulse specificaiton.

if I use them for HDG it changes value with even numbers like 260,262,264 etc.

if I use them for ALT it changes value with again even numbers like 2000,4000,6000 etc. on MSFS2020 with SU5.

I use Ardunio Mega with the Version 9 Mobiflight.

I have tried all the choices of types in Mobiflight's encoder adding section; nothing has changed.

I have tried them with both MSFS Events and FSUIPC Offsets. Result is same.

Have you ever faced this problem

Thanks in advance for your answers.
Ege Mukan
2021-08-24 12:31
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Please enable the Logging Mode. Typ DEBUG

Then you got a Logging String you can see what happen.
You will see there if the command is executed twice here or not.

If executed Twice then its pretty sure a hardware problem. May you should confirm you UPLOAD the Device Settings and restart the Board after you change the Encoder Typ Setting !

If MF not executed twice may this is a ADMIN Problem.
Please give it a try and start MF and also the SIM with Admin Rights Both !
Good Luck !
2021-08-25 16:51