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Posts: 11
i am having trouble with set value codes i have 3 rotary encoders controlling speed heading and altitude the speed only goes from 990 to 001 the heading to the right goes to 178 and stops and the altitude startes at 99900 feet thanks for any help
2021-05-25 00:56
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Lots of issues pretty sure.
Also sounds like you still use old EventID or Offsets for Inputs.

Today we use a new Input typ..... Specialy for FS2020! .... In Dropdown choose for "FS2020 Simconnect Events" instead of Offset or EventID

Please check out our Vidoes on Youtube and read the DISCORD Groups "WASM Module" and "FS2020"
Good Luck !
2021-05-25 02:02
Posts: 11
i have all the encoders working apart from the heading i have followed the video mobiflight in action 1 autopilot config but the heading -182 and +182 value works but it gets to heading 178 and stops and in reverse it does the same any ideas please thanks
2021-05-25 15:41
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
This is a SIGNED Problem....
In Sim Offset ( Via FSUIPC) the heading not goes from 0-359 ..... It goes from -180 to +180 .
You need a Formula here to solve this....

This is stoneage technique ..... Why not simply use EVENT ID ( FSUIPC based) and usinfg INC and DEC Inputs here..... Then you not need to think about these Swaps.
And much more efficient... USe the new "FS2020 Simconnect Events" .... Also no -180+180 Problem Just simple INC DEC Inputs... And here instead of the normal Event you no longer go the "bypass" through FSUIPC-.... With that Simmconnect Events the Inputs are done directly from MF into the Sim !
Good Luck !
2021-05-25 20:42
Posts: 11
i have tried the msfs2020 events but nothing works as suggested i have watched a mobiflight video on youtube about the heading setting using fsuipc the heading works but it gets to -179 +178 using the setting as discribed in video i.e $-182 and $+182 for the set values (65536/360) thankyou
2021-05-27 01:38
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi again.

I really like to help you..... But you need to believe in what i say !

So once again....

For a OUTPUT ( E.g. a Display you like to show current HDG) this is a issue we have to deal since 20 Years. FSUIPC give us the Value in a UNSIGNED Typ. but MF read it ( like all others) as SIGNED ....
Means your HDG not is shown as 0-359 ..... It is supported as -180 to +179 .....
0-179 work fine.... 180 is shown as -180 .... 181 is shown as -179 .... 182 is shown as -178 ..... up to 359 is shown as -1 .
To solve this we use a Formula e.g. by the COMAPERE Tab .... IF Value less then Zero "<0" THEN $+360 ELSE $
So a Value of e.g. -179 means -179+360=181 .... Result is the correct Number.

NOTE: This is only needed for some weeks. We still create now a tool for FS2020 that execute the clean Value at all. If you use the BETA Version from MF it is still included. In the Official release it´s not. It will come in some weeks !


For INPUT (e.g. a Encoder that change HDG) i still tell you multiple times.... THIS is no longer needed!

For sure. If you still use Input Typ "FSUIPC Offset" you have to do this like the last 20 Years adn you also need to handle the SIGNED Problem again with Formulas.
As i said..... Use EventID ( FSUIPC Based) OR much better.... Use Input Typ "FS2020 Simconnect Events" . These change the Value in a easy way without using formulas..... It simply Increase or Decrease the Heading 0-359 as we expect !
Good Luck !
2021-05-27 08:05
Posts: 11
i have tried endless time to use the simconnect events but non of the work i have even edited some from the developer pages in msfs2020 the only way i can get anything is the fsuipc route the speed works fine
2021-05-27 11:47
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
What Aircraft ?

I also told you in the other Topic.... There is not "ONE" Input that work for everything.

If you use the "standard" Heading INC /DEC" Events and they won´t work then you pretty sure use a Aircraft that not support them. Means THIS aircraft simply use a other Event!
For example FBW Airbus A320 not work with the "normal" Events... It got it´s own and they are included in the FBW Section.

If your aircraft finaly work with non of the current supported Events then you need to find it out ( As explaned in the Video) by hand.

Lets make it easy.... Tell us your used Aircraft and exactly the Function you can´t handle..... then i can try to figure out for you what Event is correct.
Good Luck !
2021-05-27 12:06
Posts: 11
I have now got the speed alt and and heading working with the mobiflight events you suggested brilliant but I have tried to assign leds to the managed and selected switches but there are no mobiflight events for the outputs
2021-06-12 16:35
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
For sure....
This feature is not implement in the Live version yet ( still in BETA Testing)

What you can do.....
In theory you can try meanwhile FSUIPC Offsets..... But also here FSUIPC is pretty bad and not support most of the stuff we need.
..... So we create a Tool again also for Outputs ! ( Direct interface to FS2020) .

To get the new tool:

A ) Join the Mobiflight BETA ( Enable the checkmark in the Settings Tab..... then MF will search on next startup for the newest BETA and you can install it. )
B ) If you not like to use a BETA Version ......Wait for the next release ( Live Version) May in some Weeks. This will include it, too!
Good Luck !
2021-06-12 17:00
Posts: 11
Ok thanks for you help
2021-06-12 20:38
Posts: 11
just download the latest beta version i have all the managed/selected switches working ok on the event id ie heading managed event id 68065 para 2 these events dosnt appear to be in the output tag i am reluctant to change from the event id now i have them working fine thanks
2021-06-15 10:09