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Posts: 3

with the event A320_Neo_FDW_SWITCH_L_TOGGLE I can switch on and switch off the radio of the Airbus A320.

Now I would like to know if the Radio is powered or not, because I would like to use this state as a precondition to switch on or switch off the display.

I can't find the offset that contains the information about the radio switch. Exists? Or is there some alternative?
2021-05-07 04:13
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi Fabix,

maybe that the radios were switched on with the master battery switch
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2021-05-07 11:27
Posts: 3
Hi StephanHo,

the A320 has a separate switch to power on and power off only the radio.
2021-05-07 16:34
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

This Data pretty sure is not on a Offset for now.... May it come in the future....

You have 3 Ways.

1. Wait until FSUIPC include it.... May in a Week. May in a Year... May never !

2. Build a Custom Offset as a improvisional Solution for now.
Your Input send the command to the Sim ( And controll the Radio) and same time the same Input ( button/Switch) also write a free Custom Offset. This Offset can be used as indication then.....
The Problem. this Offset is not related to the real function.... So we not can confirm it is sync.
Lets say your Offset is "0" at startup.... BUT the Sim Radio is still ON in your loaded Panel State. Then a Press on the Button will Disable the Radio BUT write now your Offset to 1.
So Offset show "0" for Radio ON and "1" for Radio OFF.
Otherwise if Radio would be OFF at systemstart then its inverted.... Now a Button Press would activate the Radio and set the Offset to "1" . Means Here Offset is "1" for ON and "0" for OFF.
Summary: You can use this.... But you need to get sure the Sim is always in correct Situation at startup ( OR you need to Sync by a Mouse Input in the VR)

3. Wait some Days..... We already work on a new kind of OUTPUT Data.... So no longer via FSUIPC Offsets.... We will be able to read a lot of Data direct from the Sim.
Hopefully also the "Radio in A320 ON/OFF" is included.

Whatever.... It will take some time before we got this new system working.
Good Luck !
2021-05-15 12:42