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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

The forum is still providing a lot of good content, hence we keep this information accessible.

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Posts: 38
Radios and Autopilot Project 30 Tune the ADF Radio in Mobiflight

The ADF radio has three digits, for the hundreds, tens and ones. We're going to use the encoder push button to toggle between the three, after which encoder rotation will change the value. What I also did is add tuning of the ADF HDG card after a third press such that we can rotate the ADF card to our current heading and can read the bearing the neadle point to. This way we have full control of the ADF, first tune the frequency in three steps then tune the HDG.

Link to the video.

Link to the blog post.

Always have fun!
2020-08-05 15:18
Posts: 38
31 Radios and Autopilot Project: Mobiflight Configuration of CRS/OBS

With one encoder we can tune a CRS in the autopilot, or on a Garmin glass cockpit, or we can tune the OBS scale of the old fashioned CDI gauges. Pressing the encoder switch toggles between tuning OBS1 and OBS2.

Link to the video.

Link to the blog post.

Always have fun!
2020-08-24 12:06
Posts: 38
32 Radios and Autopilot Project: Mobiflight Configuration of HDG, IAS, ALT and V/S.

In the previous video we configured the course (CRS) setting. In this video we'll configure the other four autopilot settings: heading (HDG), Indicated Air Speed (IAS), altitude (ALT) and Vertical Speed (V/S).

Link to the video.

Link to the blog post.

Always have fun!
2020-09-04 10:18
Posts: 38
33 Radios and Autopilot Project: Mobiflight Configuration of 7 Segment Displays

7-segent displays can be connected to the Arduino via the MAX7219 controller with which Mobiflight can communicate. PCB modules with eight digits and a MAX7219 controller are available around $1,-. These modules can be chained with max eight in a row whereby the three connections Data, Load, CLK run from one module to the next. This makes it possible to control 64 digits with just three Arduino outputs. The video shows how to configure four modules to show CRS(3), HDG(3), IAS(5), ALT(5) and V/S(5).

Link to the video.

Link to the blog post.

Always have fun!
2020-09-07 14:05
Posts: 1
Hey, I have a question.

Are all of the switches, buttons, and led panels run on one arduino? Also which arduino are you using.
2020-09-08 09:09
Posts: 38
Yes, all is connected to one Arduino Mega. This is the parts list.
Always have fun!
2020-09-09 17:58
From: NW of KPWK, United States
Posts: 1516
Congrats! So cool!!! Thanks for sharing all these details with us.
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2020-09-20 20:20
Posts: 38
34 Radios & Autopilot Panel Mobiflight LEDs and Buttons

In the previous videos we configured the encoders and the 7 segment displays for the radios and autopilot panel. What's left are the push buttons and the LEDs for the autopilot functions like AP on/off, heading, speed, altitude, vertical speed and more, 12 buttons and LEDs in total. A list of the Event ID's and the FSUIPC offsets that are used is included in the blog post.

Link to the video.

Link to the blog post.

Always have fun!
2020-09-22 13:46
Posts: 38
Microsoft Flight Simulator - FSRadioPanel and Mobiflight

The Radios & Autopilot Panel Project I had been working on the past months performs well with FSX. I had not yet had a chance to test it with Microsoft Flight Simulator though. Until now … yesterday I was able to put it to the test and I can gladly confirm FSRadioPanel (Android app) and Mobiflight (Windows app to connect hardware) both work well with MSFS.

Link to the video.

Link to the article.

Always have fun!
2021-05-08 13:49
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