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Posts: 2
Hello everybody,

it's a while that i'm looking in various forum and site for informations on how to use MOBIFLIGHT+ LUA+FSUIPC to
build panels for A320 Aerosoft, for now i've understood that this Aircraft is not the best choice for this type of activity
but before attempt to learn a new A/C like B737 i would like to try to share with you what are my doubts and i hope
that someone could explain to me where i'm wrong.
The part related to MOBIFLIGHT seems it's ok, i've understood how operate with input and output and how to connect to ARDUINO.
Concerning LUA i've edited the file that LINDA uses for A320 and for my use, just to try, only the section related to BEACON LIGHT remains, below you can find this file:

function AB_OVH_Ext_BEACON_on ()
Lvar = "AB_VC_OVH_ExtLight_Beacon_Sw"
ipc.writeLvar(Lvar, 1)

function AB_OVH_Ext_BEACON_off ()
Lvar = "AB_VC_OVH_ExtLight_Beacon_Sw"
ipc.writeLvar(Lvar, 0)

But now?

I think that the status of Lvar must be taken by a FSUIPC offset, the first free is "66C0"
and the istruction to use is:


If it's ok, where i've to put this instruction in the file? Below the last "end" or inside the first instruction that set beacon on?
and again the same instruction in the row that put the beacon off?


Then the mega question:

How i can use the offset "66C0" in MOBIFLIGHT, where i've have to put in input and output tabs?
I'm trying to insert some images to explain how my MOBIFLIGHT is set but, sorry, i'm not able.

I hope that someone can help me.

Good afternoon
2020-05-27 14:18
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

The Basic information is here.....

About Mobiflight System.....

For Mobiflight here is no difference..... Mobiflight do 2 Things ! It READ Offsets from FSUIPC to get a information we can use for LED Controll Displays or so. Thats a OUTPUT.
And it WRITE Offsets ( or use EventID) to send a Command to the Sim.

For Standard Aircrafts and good compatible AddOns like PMDG those Offsets are existing already..... For your A320 Aerosoft they don´t.

So basicly the "Lua Stuff" is a external System that have no influence to Mobiflight itself.

In case of a Output you say in your Luascript it should read the Sim Status ( from a Lvar) and should write it to a Offset.
Mibiflight finaly read that Offset.... Same way as it would read a Original Offset from a Standard aircraft.
Input is the same.... Here you say in the LuaScript it should controll a Lvar Function in case of a Offset Status..... And Mobiflight finaly write this Offset... Again in same way as if that offset would be a standard Funtion original from the sim.

In easy words.... your Luascript build a "translator" or "compiler". For Mobiflight itself there is no change. It basicly not know/see if you use this script or if you use a Aerosoft Airbus or a PMDG.

Last Note:
Check for Jeehell Airbus.... You not need to swap to boeing if you not like it..... But maybe you should swap to a other Airbus AddOn that is more practicable !
Good Luck !
2020-05-27 15:01
Posts: 2

The Basic information is here.....


Hi Pizman,

Thanks for your quick reply, this post is one of those that i found at the beginning and Yesterday afternoon i tried again to follow the instructions and…...yes it works
for now with a simple switch ON-OFF but for me is a significant step, probably in past attempts something was not connected or programmed well, thanks again.
Now step by step i'll try to reproduced all the functions needed and finally if all goes well i'll put the file here if it's possible.


Last Note:
Check for Jeehell Airbus.... You not need to swap to boeing if you not like it..... But maybe you should swap to a other Airbus AddOn that is more practicable !

Yes, i know this Platform but it seems complicated, in any case thanks for this suggestion, i'll check again the documentation


2020-05-28 17:54
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Complicated is subjective....

For me writing those Lua scripts is more complicated as leraning and understanding a complex AddOn like Jeehell.
You must know yourself what way is more comfortable to you..... there is no Right or wrong way.... Do what feels better to you.
Good Luck !
2020-05-28 20:36
Posts: 20
@MaxTurso Not sure if you gave up on the Aerosoft plane or not. I've got it working for the most part in FSX. I've made some improvements since some of the threads I'm in under Projects and Hardware in this forum. I understand the frustrations, it was and still is no picnic.

Here is some video with my panel in it, if it's what you're looking for.
2020-06-26 04:36
Posts: 9
Has anyone got the LVARS for the comm radio?---the integer, decimal values and swap button?

2021-04-15 21:33