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About Basic Questions.
Pins 0 and 1 is INOP. Pin 13 "can" be a Problem in Mega Pro Minis..... But i never heard about trouble with a Real MEGA 2560R3
AnalogPin A15 currently is bugged and work only as OUTPUT LED..... But this should be solved in the future!
So.... I personaly recommend to use AnalogPins for Buttons/LED..... All Other Pins (D02-D53) should work for everything. Technical also AnalogPins should work 100% for all devices, but in case we have not much feedback here ( most users work with DigPins Only) we not be sure if there are hidden problems if you use something else like Buttons/LED there.
Interrupt is currently not implemented and also not in the near future planed. We plan for PWM Support on special Pins in next release but thats no factor for a MCP.
My recommendatons:
1. Think about MAX/ Display Direction. Whatever we have now a "reverser" in MF..... If you still plan the Display please get sure you use correct Direction ..... Make a Breadboardtest to get sure your Displays work from Left to Right and not from Right to left. If needed reverse the Poin assigment on the Max Chips !
2. Think about a "One MAx - One Display (Diggitblock) Logic.
Splitting a Value over multiple Max Chips is a lot of Work..... And occure in bigger trouble if you also need Lighttest and Blank Systems ( Battery Off)
Also its more confusing if 2 Displays are controlled by same Max Chips ( E.g. a 5 Dig and a 3 Dig) in case both got same named Device !
With a logic.... 1 MAx = One Display you can name them same way as the Diggit and you know e.g. always Dig 0 is starting point.
If a Display is bugged you finaly directly know what MAxChip is involved and what 3 Lines(Pins) are effected.
3. If you have Pins Left..... Short down the Chains of Max Chips. You currently have 54 Pins in use. ( If i understand with 1 Max Chain) .
So if you have (with my logic above) 6 Display Blocks and you think about 6 MAx Chips.... Then i would make 3 Chains with 2 Chips.
The Additional 6 Pins are already available.
NOTE: This is my personal thought. In theory a Chain work fine up to 8 Chips.... But i always like to build the most conservative way.
4. Think about changeable aspects.
Instead of include (solder) the MEGA into the Board i would build a Conection Point.
From system aspects like this .....
So Pins on your PCB that allow to mount a MEGA backwards onto it.
If then soemthing is wrong with the mega you pull it off and simply set a new one on the connection..... 2 Min Work..... No Solder..... And Mega is changed.
Same for the MAX 7219
Instead of solder the Chip itself on the PCB i would make a area all lines come together and again Pins ( or female headers) on your PCB in same setup like the Max Tubes.
Then you buy the Max Tubes and remove the Displays.... And finaly set the Empty Tubes onto these headers.
Same benefit.... If a MAX is broke you not need to desodler a small SMD Chip on a PCB.... You pull of the broke MAxTube and set a new one within 2 Mins.
Finaly The Same System for the Display Diggits. Instead of solder them onto the PCB..... Solder Female Headers there in same Shematic like the Pins on the Diggits.
If e.g the 3rd Diggit of your ALT Display have a broke Segment in 1-2 Years you not need solder..... You open the Box.... Pull of Dig #3 and replace it with a new one.
In easy words.... Think already while design and build your panel that you can easy repair it and change parts in the most easy way !
I hope i gave some inspiration..... If you need more ideas and experience come to our Discord Groups !