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At first Complimet !!!
Nice Hardware work. Nearly perfect Panels and a tidy wire system.
May you like to think about Arduino shields in the future to have just one conncetor and not a lot of Duponts on the Mega.
At first Complimet !!!
About Problem.
Do we talk about Stock Airbus A320 in FS2020 ?
Here pretty sure we still get in trouble in case all these new functions are not already implement by Pete Dowson in his FSUIPC!
Simply Rule: Mobiflight can only Read or Write Data if FSUIPC support that stuff.
I not own 2020..... so i can not test for you. Technical we could tet it with shared screen in some weeks.... Thats the only i can offer to you.
What you can do now.... Check all the Hardware by testing with other functions if LED and Switches work. If YES the simply wait until all the Systems are implement and then use it.
About shield.... Here exist a lot of Solutions.
Our user Karl (Helimech) for example use those.... https://www.aliexpress.com/i/32922971128.html
Here you solder all the wires from devices to that PCB.... And on backside of PCB you solder Pin rows that fit into the Mega.
The big trick here is.... The holes are desigend for the Mega. A regulary empty Breadboard platine will not work cause some of the Connectors on the mega are a little out of the middle. Also a advantage is you not need to use the same hole for both..... On that PCB there are onboard lines that connect the inner holes ( you solder the devices) with the outer holses ( you solder the Pin connector to Mega) .
A more comfortable solution is this.... https://www.amazon.de/ARCELI-Prototyp-Schraube-Klemmenblock-Arduino/dp/B07CQW5WSX
Just to show you.... This link is way to expensive. From China you get them much more cheaper.
Here the Arduino Side is the same.... With soldered Pins..... But the Device Side use here screwed terminals !
About The Formula:
Here you must know... A LED in Mobiflight knows 2 different Status.... ON or OFF ( So Pin is High or low .... Simply Boolean)
From Code side it is easy.... Value "0" means OFF .... All other Values means ON. So whatever 1, 2 , 5 or 99999999. LED will light always if Offset is not equal to zero.
if($=16383,0,$) Means... IF Value is exactly "16383" THEN change it to "0" ELSE ( in all other situations value is not 16383) show the original Value "$".
At Gear UP the Original Value is used and it´s Zero .... so LED is OFF. At Gear DOWN our formula set Value to Zero Again. So LED is OFF again.
Between the Value is increase within some seconds from 1-16382 . And as i said before.... LED is ON that time cause Value is not zero that moment.
For better understanding..... You could also use.... if($=0,0,if($=16383,0,1)) Here you say If Value is 0 then set 0 .... ELSEIF value is 16383 then set 0 ... ELSE set to 1.
Also a OR is possible..... if($=0||$=16383,0,1) .... Here we say If value is 0 OR 16383 then set to 0 Else set to 1.
You see.... Lots of Ways.... All do the same!
Thanks to fsuipc support, i found problems with the A320FBW mod.
With default A320 i can set autobrakes for all values.
So i opened a talk with fbw guys to solve
Very nice panel !
Do you have a FCU working on MS2020 A320 ? I built one and have some trouble getting all button / indicator to work on mobiflight :/
I could use some help from someone you master mobiflight
Any chance you could link / let us know the details of the push switches you've used ?
They seem a nice slim profile and very accurate!