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Posts: 2
I hope you will be able to understand me well, as english is not my mother tongue.
First I want to thank you for this great tool that helps me to create a custom compact cockpit.
I have already set 4 arduinos MEGA on my system, 2 for MCP 737 like with overhead light buttons, and 2 for the CDU (yes there is a lot of switches and I'd like to shave 3 leds on the CDU. Everything works fine with P3DV5 and my 737 PMDG. Thanks to mobiflight and all topics and you tube video for that.

But now I'm starting another module, for radios. I'd like it to be compact.
On this module I would like to manage only COM1/NAV1/XPND
For that I have managed to set my LCD I2C 20x4 LDC display. It looks really good.
I have on the
First line : COM1 / STDBY COM1
Second line : NAV1 / STDBY NAV1
Third line : XPND

But I need the help of the community to set buttons.

I would like to use a rotary switch to select the mode I want to set (one position to set NAV1, one for COM1 and one for XDPT) => 3 imputs
I button to switch between active and SDTBY => 1 imput
One rotary encoder => 2 imputs
And the button of the rotary encoder to switch between decimals and unit (to simulate the outer and inner rotary of the real radio panel) => 1 imput

But I don't know how to configure that.

For exemple, to set the NAV1 décimals, I set rotary switch on NAV (as an imput), turn the rotary encoder left or right (linked to the Event ID #70364 "mouse_flag_wheel" up and down for left and right)
If I want to set the unit (liked to the Event ID #70365 "mouse_flag_wheel"), I push the button of the rotary encoder to switch between events ID) and turn the rotary button to set the value displayed on the LDC screen

After if I want to set the NAV1, I select nav 1 with the rotary switch, select decimal or unit with the switch of the rotary encoder.

The same for XDPT, but with 4 unit to set

I hope I'm clear, but I can explain better in french. :)

Thanks if you can help me. If it is impossible I will use 4 rotary encoders and 2 switch and eject XDPT from this panel, but it will be less compact.
2020-12-01 19:29
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi yffyk,

welcome to MobiFlight!

The frequencies of COM1 / NAV1 cannot be set directly. Here the stby frequency is set first and then transferred to the active frequency by pressing the encoder (or a button). At the same time, the frequency of the active display is transferred to the stby display. The EVT_NAV1_TRANSFER_SWITCH (EventID 70361)

In this respect, there is no need to enter whether you want to change the frequency actively or in standby. Only the standby frequency is changed.

With the space gained for a button, you can now use two encoders, one changing the MHz and one changing the kHz. That also makes more sense, especially when things have to be done quickly (e.g. quick frequency change in the approach phase). This is done with all aircraft because it minimizes sources of error.

To set the decimal places for NAV1, you are correctly using EventID 70364. You should use MOUSE_FLAG_WHEEL_UP (16384) as a parameter for counting up, i.e. at the ON_RIGHT tab. For ON_LEFT you use MOUSE_FLAG_WHEEL_DOWN (8192) as a parameter. With these values ​​you ONLY change the kHz setting. For the MHz setting you use the EventID 70365 with the same parameters as for the kHz.
These parameters also apply to COM1.

You should keep in mind that in the cockpit it's not about building everything as compactly as possible, but rather efficiently to ensure error-free handling. What speaks against building the transponder with 4 encoders?
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2020-12-01 22:17
Posts: 2
Thanks Stephan for your quick answer.
I will follow your advises and design a new panel with all needed encoders and push buttons, will be easier and safer.
Thanks again
2020-12-02 09:16
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
You are welcome.

Planning is half the job. The designers of the real cockpits already had something in mind when they designed the layout.
It is certainly possible to adapt the arrangement to your needs, but care should be taken not to bring everything into a compact form under all circumstances.
It is also not necessary to use the expensive dual encoders, simple ones certainly do too. That depends on personal taste and certainly also on your wallet.
You also use your cockpit 95% of the time and you can handle your own modifications, but if someone else flies in your cockpit, they first need a course to find their way around. It is not without reason that the cockpits within the Boeing and Airbus families are similar. You should be able to find your way there immediately - clearly and clearly.

I don't know what your experiences have already been, but I would recommend first making a rough draft on a piece of paper, then going into the detailed work with the dimensions, getting the components and first doing a test setup. If it then works satisfactorily, you can plan the final assembly. Just a tip :-)
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2020-12-02 11:06