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05/03/2024 - This forum is read-only

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Posts: 21
Dear all,
I have been using mobiflight with fs9 for a cpue of years ( I will upgrade to fsx sometime!!)
I have a problem with the connection to fsuipc.

Mobiflight will not establish a connection and the indicator stays yellow.
Running a registered version of fsuipc and windows 10.

Any ideas? Wondering if a recent windows update is to blame?
2020-10-18 18:28
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Not upgrade to FSX !! If you realy swap i recommend to use P3D or FS2020.
FSX is fully dead. Sure a better Sim like FS9 but 15 Years out of date.

So think about that before you swap !

About Problem:

Do i undertand correctly all work fine for you in the past. So what change ? Is the Problem with Mobiflight 7.10 ? Simply downgrade MF and test again.
If you can confirm it still work with 7.8 e.g. then we know the probleamtic patch and can pretty sure solve it within some days!
Good Luck !
2020-10-20 03:10
Posts: 21
Hi, thanks for the reply!

Yes, all was working fine, I'll try downgrading to the previous mobiflight version as suggested.
The link from mobiflight to modules is good
The link to fsuipc is the problem. I'll try it tonight
And report back.

2020-10-20 13:46
Posts: 21
Sorry for the long delay in replying. I just did the latest
Update of mobiflight and the connection to fsuipc is
Working again!! So all is well.
My son is now playing the latest Microsoft flightsim, but it has no regular view, only virtual cockpit so I can't see myself upgrading to that!!

2020-11-19 13:47