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05/03/2024 - This forum is read-only

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Posts: 71
Hi Team
I have just finished assembling my ADF for the FSX Cessna 172 panel I am building
I have a problem in that when I am flying the ADF needle only turns in one direction but not the other
I will try to explane
I bank to the Right the ADF needle follows the NDB that I have it tuned to, but when I bank to the left the needle does not move.
The dial stays fixed which is correct, as it is only moved with the encoder.
These are the setting I have
INPUT (for the Encoder to turn the Dial)
Event ID preset On Left ADF_CARD_DEC Event ID 65882 Para 0
On Right ADF_CARD_INC Event ID 65881 Para 0
This works no problem
OUTPUT (for the Dial)
User preset Radios-ADF dial heading
Offset 0x0C6C 2 Bytes, No Transform,
Comparison If current value <0 set it to $+360 else $.
Display compass Mode.
This Dial appears to work OK

OUTPUT (for the Needle)
User preset Radios-ADF Relative Bearing
Offset 0x0C6A 2 Bytes, Transform (360-&)+($*360)/65536
No Comparison,
Display compass Mode.
Note that the & in the transform is the place holder for my HDG Dial Stepper
I think I need a comparison to get this to work but cannot figure out what it needs to be, probably the opposite to the Transformation I am gussing:|
As always, any help or suggestions are appreciated
2020-11-03 08:56
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Ian

As i said with the other gauge... We should figure out this whie a online session.... Or i realy need to build this myself and check it.

The first idea.... check the Values ! Not use a Motor or Gauge.... Just build the Config ( Without devices) and check the FSUIPC Value ( Raw vaue of Offset) AND the Output Valaue ( Recalculated Value after your Transform/Compare and so on)

So not use the formula with the "negative recalc" and also no use Compas Mode..... Both is only needed with the Motor..... At first simpy find out HOW offsets work and then we can think about the solution !

Again call me in discord..... Hopefully i´m more online now cause we get lock down in Germany again !
Good Luck !
2020-11-03 16:19
Posts: 71
Thanks pizman82
Sorry to here you are in lock-down again
I will have another go using your suggestions and see how I get on
I am down in Christchurch New Zealand so not sure how the timing would work for a discord meeting, and how does Discord work anyway??

2020-11-03 22:40
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Again

Disocrd is just a App/programm You can use it on your smartphone or on the Computer.
I use it on Computer and disable the "Autostart" .... So i run it just if i want it. So it´s NOT a Spyware or backround thing if you not ask it to be.

Basicly it´s a Big Chat Room with Millions of private Servers..... One if it is MobiflightServer.
There we can write in Chatrooms.... And more interesting. We can start Private Comunication and use also Voice/Video/SharedScreen/ Data Transfer if needed.

Time is +13UTC We got +1UTC So 10PM is simply 10AM and inverted :-)

I hopefuly be more online the next weeks. If you see me in Discord.... Just whisper !
Good Luck !
2020-11-05 19:48
Posts: 71
OK thanks
Downloaded it and will have a play before I contact you
Thanks again
2020-11-05 21:44