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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

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Posts: 21

It lands very slowly on the real plane, but I can't do it.


everything at the lowest setting —> speed,flap
2020-10-23 08:48
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

1. I can not see any Speed information in the Video. the PFD is to small in the screen in screen part. So it´s not possible i think to define . Isn´t it ? Do you see the current speed ?

2. Camera Position/Setting. If you use a "wide angle lens" or you use a special zoom then the world looks verry different.
For example use your sim and taxi with 15kts on the Ground. Then you change the zoom massivly In and Out. You will see.... You already taxi with 15kts. But with zoom Out it looks extremly fast.... with zoom in it looks like you are nearly standing.

3. Wind Factor. The Video show a stormy day. If there is a high wind factor then the ground speed is different. There exist Videos of verry short landings (General Aviation) you can explore this effect.

4. The Most important factor. Your Sim Aircraft not have the physics of the real one. Specialy the Stock Aircrafts like A320 in the FS2020. In some months when you got a better Payware ( or if FS also adjust the settings of the stocks) this gonna be better..... Whatever. We must simply accept. A Flightsim is perfet for Navigation and Procedures. But it will NEVER can simmulate a correct Nature and there Physics !
Good Luck !
2020-10-24 09:27
Posts: 21
pizman82, You are a very valuable person. Your contributions to this community will never be forgotten. We love you.

I understand very well what you mean in your answer. Thank you so much.
2020-10-24 11:10