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Posts: 23
Greetings to all
I need help from experts... I tried to deal with this code
0E60 2 EFIS range: 0=short, 1=medium, 2=long
0E62 2 EFIS mode: 0=normal, 1=reset, 2=plot intercept
Unfortunately, however, I did not reach the correct formula. Please advise me
Also, please clarify the meaning of that (0=short, 1=medium, 2=long....0=normal, 1=reset, 2=plot intercept)

Thank you
2020-09-23 16:13
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
This Offset not exist in my lists.....

Please tell us what Sim and what AddOn
Good Luck !
2020-09-23 18:10
Posts: 23
This listed in (FSUIPCOffsets) for Quick Reference. It is based on Peter Dowson's SDK list
It can be used generally Nothing specific AddOn either in p3d or in msfs2020
2020-09-24 08:33
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Please share your list..... Maybe on Discord you can send it to me. I not belive this can be correct at the moment !

I doublecheck all Offset lists from FSUIPC 3, 4,5,6, and also the Beta from FS2020

I can not find this Offsets in any version. Please share me your list or a link i can see it.
Also the Parameters for short/med/long makes no sense. A EFIS got a Range in nautical miles and in 6/8 steps whatever you use Boeing or Airbus.
At last i not understand why a EFIS should have a option like "Normal" "Reset" or "Pilot intercept" .... What should this do in a cockpit ??
Good Luck !
2020-09-24 12:14