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05/03/2024 - This forum is read-only

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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

The forum is still providing a lot of good content, hence we keep this information accessible.

From: Geneva, Switzerland
Posts: 13
Hi everyone.
It’s been a long time since I posted anything but am continuing to work on my simulator.
I had done a lot of work on the hardware of the gauges themselves but not put enough thought into the controlling of them.
The x27 gauges are really simple little devices and I chose them for my 2 1/4 inch dual needle temperature and pressure gauges as well as my fuel gauge.
Once I connected everything up strange things started to happen. The gauges were ridiculously slow and extremely loud. As they were supposed to have 600 full steps I changed the board to operate on full steps (MS1 and MS2 LOW). This while much better speed kept loosing steps. I trawled through many websites and found that this is very common so the best option would be to switch to a different board (L293D or TB6613) or change to half stepping (Just MS2 LOW).
Now the gauges have a reasonable speed, are noticeably quieter and no longer miss steps!

There is an additional issue I have noticed that relates to the mobiflight connector and I am unsure how to fix it.
As I am using the x27 gauges with the easy driver I only use two wires (Step, Direction) as Souza noted in 2017. So my setup looks like pin 1 xx, pin 2 xx, pin 3 yy, pin 4 yy. This works fine with one exception. One gauge periodically fails to respond and when I investigate I find the setup has changed to read a sequential 4 digits instead of the two repeated. Does anyone have any experience with this? Or does anyone have a solution to this problem?
2020-09-04 01:03